Under the Dome season 2

Posted: December 10, 2013, 00:14
Under the Dome will open production offices for season two in Wilmington on January 13 at EUE/Screen Gems Studios.

Offices will be used to prep production, which, according to NCasting's Vanessa Neimeyer, will begin in early March. NCasting will once again be handling extras casting for the series.

The second season premiere will be written by King.

Thanks to Lou Sytsma

Episode 25: A Return To UnSafe Haven

Posted: December 9, 2013, 09:13

With your hosts Han Lilja of Lilja's Library and Lou Sytsma.

Welcome to Episode 25 of The Stephen King Podcast! Woohoo! Join us in our celebration!

Hans and I bring you our thoughts on Episodes 6 - 10 from Season 4 of Haven.

We also speculate a little bit. Is Haven nearing the end of it's run?

Plus the latest Stephen King News.

We hope you will all enjoy this episode and as usual we want to hear from you. Good or bad, we want it all! You can leave us comments, questions, topic suggestions at:

1) FaceBook - Lilja's Library

2) Audio Message - Speak Pipe widget on the right hand of the podcast page (send voicemail)

In this podcast:
1) 00:56 - Lilja and Lou Intro.
2) 01:16 - From The Deathroom - Stephen King News
3) 14:05 - Reviews From The Night Shift - Episodes 6 - 10 of Season 4 of Haven
4) 42:59 - Preview of Podcast 25 And Signoff
5) 45:33 - Bloopers

Intro Music - Don't Fear The Reaper - Blue Oyster Cult
Outro Music - Stand By Me - Ben E. King

iTunes - The Stephen King Podcast.

RSS Feed - RSS.

Support The Show - Thank You!

Description of Mr. Mercedes?

Posted: December 7, 2013, 01:25
Could it be Mr. Mercedes King is describing in this clip (from the 7:55 mark to the 15:31 mark)?

Thanks to Lou Sytsma

Share your Christmas and win a limited Shining

Posted: December 6, 2013, 14:00
Its contest time again here at Lilja’s Library. This time it’s a copy of Subterranean Press Gift edition of The Shining at stake. Since it’s almost Christmas the contest will have a Christmas theme. What you need to do is send me a Stephen King themed Christmas photo. What’s on the photo is totally up to you, just think Christmas and Stephen King. And since most of you probably will take a lot of photos during the holiday anyway this should be easy…

Send the photo or photos (you can enter as many as you like) by email to info[a] no later than January 12. Then on January 13 I’ll post my top 5 favorites on Lilja’s Library and give all of you a chance to vote for your favorite. The one getting the most votes will be the winning photo.

The book will be released in mid-January 2014 Dust jacket and interior illustrations are done by Vincent Chong. More info about the book can be found here

Good Luck!

Carrie with a new ending

Posted: December 5, 2013, 14:23
January 14th 2014 the remake of Carrie will be released on DVD and blu-ray with a new ending.

The DVD and Blu-ray carry these extras:
•featurette “Bringing Back Carrie“
•and “Telekinetic Coffee Shop Surprise.”

The Blu-ray adds:
•an alternate ending
•deleted and extended scenes with commentary by director Kimberly Peirce
•commentary by director Kimberly Peirce
•and “The Power of Telekinesis.”

Thanks to Herbert West and Ari

Why King was on Sons of Anarchy

Posted: December 3, 2013, 10:59
On his facebook site King talked about why he was in Sons of Anarchy:

The short form is I had a chance to act on Sons of Anarchy (known simply to those of us who watch on FX as Sons or SOA), and I jumped at the chance. I like to act—not that I’m much good at it, but I suspect most writers do—and a number of factors came together. I was in Los Angeles, where SOA films, to accept a library award; creator Kurt Sutter assured me that he’d write me a suitably nasty part (in various films I’ve been stuck playing a series of mentally challenged country bumpkins); most important of all, he said he’d put me on a bitchin Harley. How could I say no?

I got to meet most of the cast, who’ve bonded into a little family on the ranch locale about an hour from the city where they do the filming. I was particularly pleased to meet Charlie Hunnam (Jax) and Ron Perlman, who’s acted in two of my movies (Sleepwalkers and the made-for-TV version of Desperation, where he was delicious as the evil cop, Collie Entragian). I got signed Hellboy photos for my three grandsons; pretty nice. I also got to act with Katey Sagal, who plays Gemma, the scary matriarch of the Sons clan, and Kim Coates, who plays Tig. They treated me like a professional, which I most assuredly am not. So did director Billy Gierhart (who also worked on The Mist).

The bike was just short of awesome: a bright red Harley-Davidson Road-Glide. A little tricked-out for my taste, and if I’d dropped it I never would have been able to pick it up, but I would have been glad to take it home (sadly, no deal). All black clothes, bright red sled—can’t do much better than that.

The Mist as a TV series?

Posted: December 1, 2013, 03:27
Looks like Bob Weinstein and Frank Darabont is doing a TV version of The Mist.

Bob Weinstein, interviewed separately from his brother, said he was developing original projects that would be in tune with his horror- and action-oriented Dimension brand, along with several shows based on movies he has overseen for the company. He is preparing a pilot based on the “Scream” films for MTV, for instance, and developing a proposed 10-part series with Frank Darabont, based on Dimension’s film version of Stephen King’s “The Mist.”

Read the entire article here

Thanks to Herbert West

2 new books confirmed for 2014!

Posted: November 26, 2013, 10:11
On the official Stephen King message board the moderator has confirmed that two new books will be released next year.

There will be two fiction books out next year but Hall Monitor has it right, we're not quite there yet in releasing official info on those other than the titles, which Stephen has mentioned when he was on his book tour for Doctor Sleep. The titles are Mr. Mercedes and Revival.

The moderator also confirmed that King will NOT do any book tours during 2014.

He's taking 2014 off--no book tours. There will be two books out next year--he's already written them--but he won't be doing book tours for them.

Meet & Greet with Stephen King 2013

Posted: November 24, 2013, 23:59
The day started in Sweden the morning of November 20. To get to the airport there was a 2 hour drive. Then a little more than an hour on the plane and then another hour by bus and I was in Hamburg, Germany. I was there to see and meet Stephen King. It would be my second time to meeting him face to face. The first time was in London 2006 at a publishing party. This time I was invited by King’s German publisher, Heyne, to attend a Meet & Greet followed by a reading.

The Meet & Greet attendees were supposed to be at the CCH (Congress Center Hamburg) no later than 6.30PM. If you were late there was no guarantee that you would get to meet King. I was there in good time and so were the others. No one wanted to take the risk of not getting to meet King. Upon arrival we got a wristband, the ticket to the reading and a name tag to wear to the Meet & Greet. Then we waited. At 6.30 we were escorted backstage where we were supposed to meet King in less than 30 minutes. While we waited we got snacks and drinks and some ate and some were way too nervous to even think about food.

I also got to meet a lot of people who saw my name on the nametag and recognized my last name and its connection to Lilja's Library. I had spoken to most of them but didn't recognize them until they approached me. And I’m so glad they did. It was a lot of fun put a face to an email address or a name. I didn't get all of your contact information but please don't be strangers. I'd love to talk to you more about King and the Meet & Greet. I also met some people from Heyne that I had also previously only spoken to through email and I was very happy to meet them in person and to get a chance to thank them.

And then it was time. King was about to enter and you could almost feel the tension in the room. People were looking in the direction from where we thought he would come, looking at each other with nervous smiles on our faces and then all of a sudden he was there. In the flesh.

King started with walking around shaking everybody’s hands (some girls got hugs) before he stopped at the table where he would stand (it was the kind of table you stand by) so that we could all come up to him, say hi, get our books signed and shake his hand. Because he was running a few minutes late it was decided that he wouldn't dedicate any of the books but just sign his name. And then people started to approach him.

And I must say that King really is a natural at these things. He seems so relaxed and friendly and had a few words for everyone, posing for photos, shaking hands and so on. When it was my time I decided to get the German copy of Doctor Sleep signed. I had brought the Swedish edition of The Dark Tower 7 as well but since this was in Germany and since it was because of Doctor Sleep we were here I decided that that book would be a better memory. King signed it and when I asked for a photo he said “Of course”.

I had asked my friend Anders to take the photo but at the same time the hired photographer that took photos during the entire event also took our photo which resulted in King looking at him and me at Anders. I did notice this though so I asked if he would take one more looking into the same camera and he agreed. Turned out to be a great photo. Then I shook his hand thanking him and that also got caught on photo. And my time was up.

The signings and photo taking continued until King finally said he soon had to go and that he would only sign a few more. And since I saw that people were starting to queue all over again with a second book I thought “well, I also have a second book…”. So I put my Swedish Dark Tower 7 on the table. King signed it and said “OK, that's it. Thank you all” and left. The Meet & Greet was over but we had all enjoyed it and now we had a reading to attend.

We were let in first of all and had great seats reserved (thanks again Heyne). Fifth row center aisle just in front of King. Couldn’t have been much better. The reading lasted for about an hour and forty-five minutes and again I was struck by how natural all this seems to King. He joked, talked, read and answered questions like he'd done it all his life. Most of the talk was about Doctor Sleep but King also talked about and idea he got while experiencing the traffic in Paris. The car he was riding in stopped for a traffic light and he was looking over at the people in the car next to him. So close but still they had no idea he was there. It was a totally different universe even though it was just a few feet away from him. He asked if we wanted to hear a story and the entire audience roared a ”YES” and King continued ”This is like pissing a good story out on the ground. Usually they're better if they just stay inside but I just love this concept.” and then he told us the idea.

“So here's this guy who fly into La Guardia airport and his plane is late and he goes down to get his luggage and his luggage is of course the last one off the plane and the thing is he's coming to New York because although he's married he has a mistress and he told his wife his going to be home tomorrow but he's been detained on business. So he's all ready and gearing to go when he has all these things holding him back. So the plane is late, luggage is last, he goes out to the taxi, his at the end of the queue and he finally gets a cab and he goes into New York. As the cab pulls up next to another car he looks into it and sees a woman and a man sitting there and as he looks the man takes a razor out of his jacket and cuts the woman’s throat. Well, what does this guy do now? I don't know...”

Besides King we also got to listen to the German audio book narrator David Nathan who read a bit from Doctor Sleep. I didn’t understand much of what he read but he had a great voice for narrating books. We were also told that he is Johnny Depp’s voice when he is dubbed into German.

The night was over and with two signed books and a great memory I returned to the hotel. It was a great event and Heyne arranged it very well. Thanks to you and to King off course!

King on German TV

Posted: November 24, 2013, 23:21
King at Markus Lanz on German TV November 21.

And after King left in a Porsche.

Stand lost it's director...again

Posted: November 21, 2013, 21:27
Brought aboard the project earlier this year, director Scott Cooper has now left Warner Bros.' adaptation of Stephen King's The Stand.

It is unclear why Cooper left. Sources say the parting was over creative differences, while one insider says it came down to the project’s potential rating. Cooper wants an R rating, in keeping with the rawness of King’s novel, while Warners, the lead on the project, aims to make a PG or PG-13 movie.

Another source said the project’s scope is so massive that the studios are not sure how many movies are needed to cover the entire adaptation.

Whatever the reason it must have been decide fast. Scott recently (during a recent press junket for "Out Of The Furnace") talked about it.

Thanks to Ari and Lou.

King got an idea in Paris...

Posted: November 21, 2013, 21:00
During the reading in Hamburg, Germany yesterday King asked us if we wanted to hear a new story that he got the inspiration to while driving in Paris. The entire audience roared a ”YES” and King continued ”This is like pissing a good story out on the ground. Usually they're better if they just stay inside but I just love this concept.” and then he told us the idea.

So here's this guy who fly into La Guardia airport and his plane is late and he goes down to get his luggage and his luggage is of course the last one off the plane and the thing is he's coming to New York because although he's married he has a mistress and he told his wife his going to be home tomorrow but he's been detained on business. So he's all ready and gearing to go when he has all these things holding him back. So the plane is late, luggage is last, he goes out to the taxi, his at the end of the queue and he finally gets a cab and he goes into New York. As the cab pulls up next to another car he looks into it and sees a woman and a man sitting there and as he looks the man takes a razor out of his jacket and cuts the woman’s throat. Well, what does this guy do now? I don't know...

The public roared with laughter and when asked if this really was a story he was thinking about writing King said it's still in his head and so far nothing’s been written down but you never know. I for one though is looking forward to see where all this ends…

Lilja Meets the King

Posted: November 20, 2013, 22:54
Today I was at a Meet & Greet with Stephen King.

I got two books signed (German Doctor Sleep and Swedish Dark Tower 7)

I got to shake the masters hand.

And a photo.

Thanks to King and everyone at Heyne who made this possible.

King in Hamburg

Posted: November 20, 2013, 22:51
Here are two photos from King's reading in Hamburg tonight. He read, joked and told us about a new story that he got the idea to when he was in Paris. More info about that tomorrow...

Episode 24: Is Carrie Too Scary For Dr. Sleep?

Posted: November 17, 2013, 23:58

With your hosts Han Lilja of Lilja's Library and Lou Sytsma.

Welcome to Episode 24 of The Stephen King Podcast!  

Something Old - Carrie, Something New - Dr. Sleep, & Someone Blue - Blue Tyson That is.

Blue, Hans and myself engage in full on  SPOILER filled talks about the latest Stephen King book - Dr. Sleep and the latest cinematic adaptation of one of his works - Carrie.

Plus the latest Stephen King news.

We hope you will all enjoy this episode and as usual we want to hear from you.

Good or bad, we want it all!

You can leave us comments, questions, topic suggestions at:

1) FaceBook - Lilja's Library

2) Audio Message - Speak Pipe widget on the right hand of the podcast page (send voicemail)

In this podcast:

1) 00:56 - Lilja and Lou Intro.

2) 01:33 - From The Deathroom - Stephen King News

3) 10:18 - Reviews From The Night Shift Part 1 - Bood Review - Dr. Sleep

4) 38:07 - Reviews From The Night Shift Part 2 - Movie Review - Carrie(2013)

5) 59:51 - Preview of Podcast 25 And Signoff

6) 1:02:13 - Bloopers

Intro Music - Don't Fear The Reaper - Blue Oyster Cult
Dr. Sleep Music - Beyond Two Souls Theme - Hans Zimmer &  Lorne Balfe and Normand Corbeil.
Carrie Clip - from the 1976 Brian DePalma Movie
Outro Music - Stand By Me - Ben E. King

iTunes - The Stephen King Podcast.

RSS Feed - RSS.

Support The Show - Thank You! 

King at Le Grand Rex

Posted: November 17, 2013, 22:19
Here is a recording of Stephen King at Le Grand Rex Novebmer 16, 2013

King at Grand Rex

Posted: November 17, 2013, 00:59
King did his last public event in France today when he did a reading at the Grand Rex. This is what meet the guests as they arrived. Books, books and even more books. Some of them signed.

Here is a photo from the event.

Thanks to

King signing in Paris - update 8

Posted: November 14, 2013, 05:22
Here are some clips from the signing today.

A clip of King signing that at first can look quite boring but if you keep looking you will see how King takes his time with every fan, saying something, shaking a hand or two...despite the many signatures he did today.

Here is how long the line was.

Add or read comments 0 Comments

King signing in Paris - update 6

Posted: November 14, 2013, 01:05
Here are more photos from King's signing today in Paris that I found online.

Swedish Stephen King Podcast

Posted: November 13, 2013, 20:30
For all fans of King that understand Swedish, here is a podcast where I talk about Stephen King for 2 hours...



King signing in Paris - update 5

Posted: November 13, 2013, 13:57
Another photo from the signing. Not sure how many of the fans got their books signed or if it's over yet... I do want one of those shirts though...

King signing in Paris - update 4

Posted: November 13, 2013, 13:57
King is signing...

King signing in Paris - update 3

Posted: November 13, 2013, 13:54
According to King's facebook site there were over 3,000 fans in line for the signing...