German cover for Lisey's Story

Posted: May 24, 2006, 23:48
Here is the German cover for Lisey’s Story. The German title is Love and it’s being released in October.

Thanks to Hans von Wirth

See Nightmares & Dreamscapes early

Posted: May 24, 2006, 23:47
Do you want to see two of the episodes from Nightmares & Dreamscapes early? Well, here is your chance...if you live in the US.

Thanks to Mike Cahill

Desperation Week; Day 3 (part 2)

Posted: May 24, 2006, 08:48
Here is a very interesting interview with Brandon Kihl who did the sculpting and props on Desperation. Brandon has also done the Can Tah that is the grand prize in the Desperation Week contest.

Desperation Week; Day 3 (part 1)

Posted: May 24, 2006, 08:42
I hope you all saw Desperation yesterday... If not the DVD will be out on August 29 in the US. Now I want to ask all of you that did see it to Please mail me your comments about it. I will then put them all on my site tomorrow so you can get an idea of what everyone thought about it.

BUT, I don’t want a review, only shorter comments in one or two sentences, OK? Just click here to send a mail

Desperation Week; Day 2 (part 2)

Posted: May 23, 2006, 08:18
My review of Desperation is now online. It doesn’t contain any spoilers (if you have read the book) so you can read it when you have the time.

And when you have seen Desperation tonight as I’m sure most of those who can will, Please mail me your comments about it. I will then put them together so you can all see what the fans thought about it tomorrow. Oh, and I don’t want a review, only shorter comments in one or two sentences, OK? Just click here to send a mail

Desperation Week; Day 2 (part 1)

Posted: May 23, 2006, 08:17
The first winner in Desperation Week has been selected. I will announce the winner after giving you the right answer to Monday’s question.

Question When was Desperation published?
Answer 1996.

This one was an easy one and most of you got it right. And the winner of a first edition copy of Desperation is Shayne Sullivan from the US. Congratulation!

The next question is already online so if you haven’t already, head over there and enter.

Stationary Bike available for download on Friday

Posted: May 22, 2006, 23:02
The CD version of the audio book Stationary Bike is being released on June 6 but on this Friday May 26 the downloadable version will be available on all download retailers, such as and

Desperation Week; Day 1

Posted: May 22, 2006, 08:41
OK, Desperation Week has now officially kicked of. The contest is up and running (enter by clicking the link on your right) and believe me, you don’t want to miss this one.

Today I also have a brand new interview with Mick Garris, director of Desperation for you to check out. Enjoy!

Desperation not longer on DVD

Posted: May 21, 2006, 23:52
I talked to Mick Garris about Desperation being longer on DVD and he told me that that is not the case. He doesn’t think there will be any substantial differences between the movie that airs and the film on the DVD, except that that DVD will be in widescreen 16:9 format, and without the commercial breaks. And the DVD will also have the 5.1 surround sound track, which really delivers the full orchestral score and sound mix the way it was intended.

There will however be some extra material on the DVD.

Director’s cut of Desperation

Posted: May 19, 2006, 23:19
The moderator of King's official board had the following to say about the DVD edition of Desperation:

I’ve been told the DVD will be more of a "director’s cut" version so will have scenes deleted from the ABC broadcast.

1408 to permier on May 18th, 2007

Posted: May 19, 2006, 21:32
Bloody Disgusting reports that 1408 has gotten a release date...May 18th, 2007.

Good news though as Mikael Hafstrom's 1408 has been given a May 18th, 2007 date. "1408" is the tale of a debunker of paranormal occurrences (John Cusack) who encounters real terror when he checks into the notorious Room 1408 at the Dolphin Hotel. Samuel Jackson (Snakes on a Plane) also stars.

Thanks to Bloody Disgusting

From a Buick 8 a miniseries?

Posted: May 19, 2006, 21:10
Fangoria reports about the Black House movie and that From a Buick 8 might be a miniseries.

While on location in New Mexico a couple of weeks back for Dark Lot’s LIVING HELL, actor/scriptwriter Johnathon (THE FORSAKEN) Schaech was more than happy to tell Fango about the two Stephen King movie scripts and MASTERS OF HORROR teleplay he’s done with partner Richard Chizmar of CEMETERY DANCE. “Richard and I have written THE BLACK HOUSE, the sequel to THE TALISMAN, for [producer] Akiva Goldsman,” Schaech reveals. “It’s interesting, because we don’t know what’s going to happen with THE TALISMAN [movie] right now. It’s gone through so many writers and directors, as all King fans know, and I hear all kinds of rumors. So our script had to stand on its own as well as be a sequel to THE TALISMAN. Richard and I did a very faithful adaptation [of the King/Peter Straub novel], and Akiva loved it.”

If produced, the BLACK HOUSE film will use visuals in the opening scenes to explain what has gone on before. “It does stand on its own, but it also ties in beautifully through the imagery—even to THE DARK TOWER series,” Schaech explains. “There is a lot of interest in it, but it depends on what happens with THE TALISMAN.”

Goldsman took interest in Schaech and Chizmar after reading their miniseries script based on King’s 2003 novel FROM A BUICK 8. “It’s mystical and doesn’t explain itself,” Schaech says of that project. “It’s a metaphor, and we tried to explain that in the screenplay. It has a deeper meaning, and it’s a little harder for people to digest. It really is a masterpiece, and most people don’t seem to realize that.” Helping to launch the potential BUICK miniseries is Mick (THE STAND) Garris, no stranger to King films. “Mick is a wonderful guy, and we’ve been talking a lot recently,” Schaech notes. “One of the networks is interested, and they’ve talked to King some. We’ll see what happens there, too.” In a separate interview, Garris admitted his BUICK interest to Fango: “It’s something I’d be interested in being involved in, in one capacity or another. They wrote a really great script for it.”

The Garris connection doesn’t stop there for Schaech and Chizmar, though: The duo have also penned a script for the second season of Showtime’s MASTERS OF HORROR. “We adapted this great Bentley Little piece called ‘The Washingtonians,’ ” Schaech reveals. “It’s so much fun, and it should be a great episode. We pitched a bunch of ideas to Mick and the guys over at Showtime, and they loved the one based on Little’s short story. I think we wrote a really good screenplay, and I’m excited by it.” Adds Garris, “We’re working on finding the right director for it. I’m really hoping we do it this season, as it’s a great script and a great story.”

Schaech began writing screenplays while on location for various movies he’s done, and then decided to team with Chizmar. “I’m not a master of horror, but Richard really knows his stuff,” the actor says. “I’m really respectful toward anything I attach myself to in the horror genre. When I met Richard, we decided to really get involved and be very serious scriptwriters. We want to try to make an art and craft of it.”

The busy team have also adapted Douglas Clegg’s novel THE HOUR BEFORE DARK for possible production at MGM/Sony, plus Ed Gorman’s thriller THE POKER CLUB. As with the King screenplays, Schaech says, “Hopefully HOUR BEFORE DARK will get off the ground sometime soon. And we’ll have to see what happens with POKER CLUB.”

Thanks to Bev Vincent.

Bigger Lisey cover

Posted: May 19, 2006, 20:55
Here is a bigger scan of the US cover for Lisey's Story.

King wants you to watch Desperation

Posted: May 18, 2006, 19:42
King comments on ABC's scheduling Desperation against American Idol...

Dear Web Site Visitors,

Those of you who are familiar with the wonderful world of television may have noticed that Desperation — probably the best TV movie to be made from my work — has been scheduled by ABC to run, not just against American Idol, but against the American Idol finals! When I see this kind of scheduling, my heart is warmed by how well I have been treated by all my friends at ABC. One can truly say that with friends like this, one doesn’t need enemas. Little joke there. But am I bitter? HELL, YES, I AM BITTER! Oh, well, good work always finds a place in time, and ours may be in the DVD racks eventually. For now, please remember that Desperation airs on ABC May 23rd. Those of you who watch will get a gold star. Those of you who don’t, and watch American Idol instead…well, just remember: I have strange powers. I have been watching you all for some time through your computers. (This is actually a power conferred upon me by the Bush Administration.) I watch you when you eat, I watch you when you sleep, and I watch you when you undress. In regard to this last comment, some of you need more stylish underwear, but never mind; the point is, I will know if you watch American Idol and if something bad happens to you, it will be your own fault.



Fifth season of The Dead Zone teasers

Posted: May 16, 2006, 22:02
The fifth season of The Dead Zone premieres Sunday, June 18 at 10/9C on USA Network. On the official site is an advanced look at each of this summer's 11 new episodes, along with a downloadable teaser script (.PDF format) that details the each show's opening scene.

Lisey's Story in color.

Posted: May 13, 2006, 01:37
Here is finally the finished color cover for Lisey's Story. I found it on King's official site and unfortunately it wasn't bigger then this but it should give us an idea of what it looks like in color...

Titles of all 11 episodes in season 5 of The Dead Zone

Posted: May 11, 2006, 23:55
Here are the titles of all 11 episodes in season 5 of The Dead Zone:

1. Forbidden Fruit
2. Independence Day
3. Panic
4. Articles of Faith
5. The Inside Man
6. Lotto Fever
7. Symmetry
8. Vortex
9. Revelations
10. Heart of Darkness
11. The Hunting Party (season finale)

No signing in August

Posted: May 11, 2006, 22:34
The Moderator of King’s official message board said today that King won’t be doing any book signings at the events in August. He will however sign books in October for Lisey’s Story.

Yet another fundraiser.

Posted: May 11, 2006, 08:08
King will appear at yet another fundraiser. This one is for Maine Gov John Baldacci at the the Penobscot Valley Country Club in Orono this Saturday (13 May). Also appearing is Sen. John Edwards, the Democratic candidate for vice president in 2004, who is in Orono to give the University of Maine commencement address. Read more here.

Thanks to Rocky Wood

First 5 episodes of The Dead Zone

Posted: May 11, 2006, 08:07
Here are the titles for the first 5 episodes of season 5 of The Dead Zone:

1. Forbidden Fruit – Premieres 6/18

It's the season premiere. Johnny races to stop the wedding between Greg
Stillson and Miranda Ellis (from the Season Four finale), fearing that
Miranda's life is in danger, as Stillson moves closer toward the White

2. Independence Day

3. Panic

4. Articles of Faith

5. The Inside Man

Season 5 of The Dead Zone

Posted: May 10, 2006, 13:20
Here is an article with some info of season 5 of The Dead Zone…but be warned, there are spoilers!

Thanks to Bev Vincent

An evening with Harry, Carrie and Garp.

Posted: May 10, 2006, 13:19

Here is a message from King about the charitiy event called An evening with Harry, Carrie and Garp.

I am excited to announce that on the evenings of August 1st and 2nd, I will be reading with the creators of Potter and Garp at Radio City Music Hall. This came about because two good people agreed with me that it might be possible to do one gigantic reading to benefit two charities.

One is Doctors Without Borders, an international independent medical humanitarian organization that delivers emergency aid to people affected by armed conflict, epidemics, natural or man-made disasters, or exclusion from health care in more than 70 countries, and the other is The Haven Foundation, a charity that supports writers and artists who can no longer support themselves because of accidents or illness.

We are doing this at Radio City Music Hall because it is the biggest, brightest venue we could find and we are hoping we can fill it on both nights. We hope to see you there--this is going to be very cool!

- Stephen

You can read more on the official site for the event.

Thanks to Bev Vincent.

Charity reading in New York.

Posted: May 10, 2006, 09:27
According to this article King, JK Rowling and John Irving are scheduled to do a charity reading in New York in August.

The event is a charity reading for King's recently created charity, The Haven Foundation witch helps performing artists who have suffered illnesses or debilitating accidents that prevent them from working, and for Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières, an international medical group that brings emergency aid to people in disaster zones.

Thanks to Rocky Wood

Gunslinger trailer

Posted: May 8, 2006, 12:49
Here is a preview for The Gunslinger Dollar Baby.

More info can be found here.

Thanks to Marijn Raaijmakers

Some interesting replies...

Posted: May 4, 2006, 22:19
Some interesting replies where give on the official message board today.

When questioned about whether King has begun writing any other new novel. The moderator of the official site replied:

He’s been working on short stories this winter.

When asked if King would come over to the UK to do signings the answer was:

He’ll be there in November to promote Lisey’s Story.

When asked if King would do a signing in California the answer was:

We don’t have full details to give out yet but he’ll be in California to promote Lisey’s Story.

Roth on Cell

Posted: May 3, 2006, 15:32
Here are some comments by Eli Roth about the movie version of Cell:

"It's going to be a full-on, big-budget, apocalyptic zombie movie. Really sort of like more in the spirit of the Dawn of the Dead remake."

Roth added: "Everyone on a cell phone gets zapped, and they go completely insane. So they're not really zombies. They're just people that go around killing anyone that's in front of them."

Roth said that he plans to bring his own peculiar sensibility to the material. "Well, there's going to be a little bit of violence," he said, with tongue in cheek. "There's going going to be some blood. I want to make it really, really, really sick. Just full-on sick. But I also want to try to make it a worldwide event. Like, I don't want to see it just happening in one little town. I really want to see people going crazy all over the world and just see the end of civilization."

Roth said that he's following in the footsteps of some of his favorite helmers. "The thing about Stephen King is that so many of my favorite directors have adapted his work," he said. "And they're so varied. I mean, you have The Shining and Carrie and George Romero. So they wind up being a blend of Stephen King and whatever that director's personal taste is. And that's what I plan on doing with Cell."

Thanks to Bev Vincent.

Signing in NYC

Posted: May 3, 2006, 00:24
The moderator of King’s official site confirms that King will do a signing in NYC for Lisey’s Story but no exact date or place has yet been set.

King will do signings...

Posted: April 28, 2006, 23:25
The moderator on King’s official site just confirmed that King will be doing book signing(s) on the U.S. West Coast when he promotes Lisey’s Story in October. No info on when, where or how many has been released yet.

US cover of Lisey's Story

Posted: April 28, 2006, 17:19
Finally I can give you a first look at the US cover of Lisey’s Story. Unfortunately I don’t have a color version yet but this will give you an idea of what it looks like. It will look much better in color once it’s finished. And as you can see it’s quite different from what we are used to…

See Desperation early...

Posted: April 27, 2006, 00:48
If you want to see Desperation early, here is your chance:

The Tucson Film Office and Fox Tucson Theatre are presenting an exclusive prescreening of Desperation, a made-for-TV adaptation of Stephen King's book of the same name, on Saturday, May 6. Desperation was filmed in and around Tucson and Bisbee in the fall of 2004. Several cast and production members are scheduled to appear and get a red-carpet welcome, including director Mick Garris, producer Mark Sennet and actors Steven Weber, Annabeth Gish and Ron Perlman. The red-carpet opening event starts at 6:30 p.m., followed by opening comments by the director and producer at 7:15, and the film screens at 7:30. Tickets are available for $25 at the Fox Tucson Theatre box office at 17 W. Congress St.

Thanks to Bev Vincent.

Description of Lisey’s Story

Posted: April 26, 2006, 23:32
This description of Lisey’s Story is from the moderator of King's message board:

"Lisey’s Story is about the wellsprings of creativity, the temptations of madness, and the secret language of love." Translated, that means a woman is regaining memories of the dark side of her husband triggered when she is going through his belongings after his death".

Thanks to Bev Vincent.

A first review of Desperation

Posted: April 26, 2006, 16:16
A first review of Desperation has appeared online. There are a few small spoilers so read it on you own risk.

Thanks to Bev Vincent.

Lisey’s Story is 509 pages long

Posted: April 25, 2006, 23:34
It’s now being reported that the ARC of Lisey’s Story is 509 pages long. To be compared with Cell which was 384 pages long.

Thanks to Bev Vincent

Monday’s winner

Posted: April 25, 2006, 10:44
Monday’s winner is chosen but first the right answer.

Question: Who is Claudia Eschelman?
Answer: Richard Bachman's Widow (formerly Claudia Inez Bachman).

And the winner is Luis Vazquez-Venegas from Canada, congratulations!

That ends this contest but if you want more contests you just have to wait until the week of May 22nd when I’ll have something really nice in store for you. That week will be Desperation Week here at Lilja’s Library and I can promise you that you do NOT want to miss that!

Yet another Dollar Baby

Posted: April 24, 2006, 23:15
A new Dollar Baby version of The Gunslinger will be done by the end of April. It’s directed by Sarah Sterchele and you can read more here.

Thanks to Bernd Lautenslager.

More Lisey's photos

Posted: April 22, 2006, 13:13
Here are more photos of the Galley edition of Lisey’s Story

Thursday's winner and an error if Friday's question

Posted: April 21, 2006, 23:43
Due to an error on today’s question has been disqualified. The answer is RRD28I but on the it says RR28I. Many of you might say that so what if it was wrong on It’s not the only source out there and you are right. But since I say that "all answers can be found at" I feel it does matter.

What now then? Well, based on previous experience I won’t allow both answer and I won’t disqualify the ones that have answered with RR28I. So, in an attempt to be as fair as possible a new question will appear during Monday next week. I’m sorry for this and I hope you all feel this is the most fair thing to do.

I apologise for this and hope you can sympathise with my decision.

And now, on to Thursday’s winner.

Question: What was the error on the 1st printing of PET SEMATARY on the back of the DJ?
Answer: "1982" Caretakers Error

The winner is Jodie Bennett from Australia, congratulations!

Michael Chabon describes Lisey's Story

Posted: April 21, 2006, 08:20
This description of Lisey's Story is given by Michael Chabon on

"In Lisey's Story, Stephen King makes bold, brilliant use of his satanic storytelling gift, his angelic ear for language, and above all his incomparable ability to find the epic in the ordinary, to present us with the bloody and fabulous tale of an ordinary marriage. In his hands the long, passionate union of Scott and Lisey Landon--of any long-lived marriage, by implication--becomes a fantastic kingdom, with its own geography and language, its dark and stirring chronicle of heroes and monsters, its tragedies, griefs and glories. King has been getting me to look at the world with terror and wonder since I was fifteen years old, and I have never been more persuaded than by this book of his greatness."

-- Michael Chabon, author of The Final Solution: A Story of Detection and The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay

Wednesday’s winner

Posted: April 20, 2006, 23:31
The winner of Wednesday’s contest has been selected. Here is the result.

Question: Which early novel has a theme between country folk vs. city folk. ?
Answer: Cujo

The winner is Ricky Williams from the US, congratulations! Today’s question is now online.

Desperation DVD

Posted: April 20, 2006, 23:25

Fangoria had gotten this new image from Desperation and also had the following report about the DVD release:

Fango got the scoop that Lionsgate Home Entertainment will release the desert-set story of evil and redemption August 29. No word yet on special features, or whether this cut will be more extreme than the one ABC broadcasts.

Thanks to Ari.