Blaze confirmed by King's assistant

Posted: November 28, 2006, 20:17
Here is the latest news about Blaze from King's assistant:

Many of you have been asking for more information about publication of Blaze following Steve's mention of it on his recent Lisey's Story book tour. This is another Bachman novel which he recently rediscovered. The original manuscript of Blaze was 173 pages long and was written in 1973. He has rewritten the first 100 pages. A lot of it needed editing to make it more timely since the 1973 references no longer worked. He's hoping to get it done by the end of the year. No publication deal has been signed, but he's sure there will be one.

Glenn Chadbourne's Colorado Kid illustrations

Posted: November 28, 2006, 00:25
Here is a first look at an illustration from the limited edition of The Colorado Kid by Glenn Chadbourne. The original was auctioned out by Shocklines.

Thanks to Ari.

Stephen's Picks for the week of November 27, 2006

Posted: November 28, 2006, 00:24
Stephen's Picks for the week of November 27, 2006 is out:

* Stephen is reading Bad Men by John Connolly - Excellent

* Stephen is watching Daybreak on ABC - Too soon to tell, but looks promising...

* He is listening to an album by The Bottle Rockets - Zoyisia and also to Josh Ritter (I think)--The Animal Years -Both excellent

Interview with King and the Lost creators

Posted: November 26, 2006, 02:08
In the December 1st issue of Entertainment Weekly there is an interview with King and the Lost creators - 5 pages including the double page photo here.

Thanks to chaos-consultants

Thursday's and Friday's winner

Posted: November 25, 2006, 00:31
The contest is now over and the winner for Thursday (Four Past Midnight) is Jeannie Horning from the US and Friday's winner (The Dark Half) is Ramonda Brady also from the US.

The new name will be revealed soon...

Wednesday’s winner

Posted: November 24, 2006, 00:00
The winner of a first edition of Gerald's Game is Corey Charron from Japan. You still have until Friday to send in your suggestions so keep them coming.

Tuesday’s winner

Posted: November 22, 2006, 23:24
The winner of a first edition of The Regulators is Daniel Taylor from the US. You still have until Friday to send in your suggestions so keep them coming.

Monday's winners

Posted: November 21, 2006, 23:44
The winner of a first edition of Black House is Ariel Bosi from Argentina. You still have until Friday to send in your suggestions so keep them coming.

Two covers for The Gunslinger Born

Posted: November 20, 2006, 00:47
There seems to be two different cover for the first issue of The Gunslinger Born. One sketch variant cover by Jae Lee and one variant cover by Joe Quesada.

King on Radio 4

Posted: November 20, 2006, 00:42
King appeared on Radio 4 today (Sunday) as the guest in Desert Island Discs. In the three quarter hour interview he spoke about his life from a child to today and selected his eight records he could take with him if he were castaway on a desert island.

The program is repeated on Friday 24th at 09.00 hrs. Unfortunately the program is not repeated again over the internet due to copyright issues with the music.

Thanks to Phil Stephensen-Payne and Tony Horne.

First issue of The Dark Tower comic

Posted: November 16, 2006, 00:01
Here is some info about the first issue of The Dark Tower comic:


“The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed.” With those words, millions of readers were introduced to Stephen King’s Roland—an implacable gunslinger in search of the enigmatic Dark Tower, powering his way through a dangerous land filled with ancient technology and deadly magic. Now, in a comic book personally overseen by King himself, Roland’s past is revealed! Sumptuously drawn by Jae Lee and Richard Isanove, adapted by long-time Stephen King expert Robin Furth (author of Stephen King’s The Dark Tower: A Concordance) and scripted by New York Times Best-seller Peter David, this series delves deep into Roland’s origins—the perfect introduction to this incredibly realized world, while long-time fans will thrill to adventures merely hinted at in the novels. Be there for the very beginning of a modern classic of fantasy literature!
48 PGS./CARDSTOCK COVER/Parental Advisory …$3.99

PRICE: 3.99
IN STORES: 2007-02-07

Thanks to Bev Vincent

Podcast of King's press conference in London.

Posted: November 15, 2006, 08:38
Here is a 40 minute podcast with the Q&A from press conference that King gave at the FPA while in London. If you listen closely you can hear me ask my question about the new Bachman book about 41 minutes into the podcast.
Thanks to John Thornburn

Lisey's Story tour

Posted: November 14, 2006, 23:53
Check out John's site for all the info you need on King's Lisey's Story tour. Both in the US and the UK. You can find it here.

King on BBC4?

Posted: November 14, 2006, 08:57
Seems King might be on the radio on November 19th:

Unconfirmed report that King will be on BBC4's Desert Island Disks on Sunday, November 19th. This programme will likely NOT be archived on the BBC site after it is presented due to rights restrictions.

Thanks to Bev Vincent.

King touring the UK 2006

Posted: November 11, 2006, 21:44
Read all about King’s visit to the UK in November 2006 here. I have collected my experiences and other info you need about the visit in this one place. I hope you enjoy it.


Limited paperweight

Posted: November 11, 2006, 20:47
Here are scans of the paperweight that was given out at the publisher party, arranged by King’s UK publisher Hodder & Stoughton, in London. Later I found out that there where only 500 copies done.

Listen to King online

Posted: November 11, 2006, 20:45
Here is a BBC radio interview with King in witch he talks about movie version of The Dark Tower, that there where 3,000 people at the Battersea Reading and what he thinks about the people rushing for an autograph at the same event.

Here is a podcast from King’s Battersea Reading. It’s in three parts and include an interview, King reading from Lisey’s Story and in the final part King answers the questions submitted by fans through Times Online.

King and YouTube

Posted: November 10, 2006, 00:40
King seems to have visited YouTube and here you can see clips of it. Here he talks and here he reads.

Thanks to Idan

And one last meeting with the King...

Posted: November 9, 2006, 21:24
The after noon was spent at the ASDA supermarket where King would do a signing. There wheren’t that many people there until about an hour before the signing started but then there where a lot...and I meen A LOT.

I got to meet up with a lot of old and new friends and we had a really good time. At 5PM King entered and the line started to move. When we got to King we where told no cameras where alowed. At first bumed out we soon found out that there where a lady taking photos of us with a polaroidcamera and then giving out the photo as we left. A very good idea!

This time I didn’t say anything to King except “Thanks” and extracted my hand. At the same second he reached for his glass of Coke and there where a second of total confusion. Then he put forward his left hand and I shook that...

Lilja goes to the press conference

Posted: November 9, 2006, 21:22
So, today started with a press conference arranged by the FPA. I was offcourse there in good time and got a front row seat, just about 2 meters from King. There where a photosession for 2 minutes, a Q&A for about 40 minutes and then King signed books (I got the ticket for the Battersea Park reading signed).

I also got to ask King a question and I decided to asked him about the new Bachman book that he mentioned at the reading. He then said that he found it in his basement, that it’s from 1973 and that the title is Blaze. This book has been known to fans for quite a while and it’s nice that King has finally decided to publish it.

No date has been set but King said it would need some updating first so it may be a while...

Lilja meets King...again

Posted: November 9, 2006, 10:02
Yesterday I was at a publisher party, arranged by King’s UK publisher Hodder & Stoughton, in London. And yes, you guessed it, King was there as well and I got a chance to speak with him for a few minutes. Since the conversation was a lot longer then at the signing I can’t recap it all here but I can tell you what we said when I got a second chance to talk to him just as he was leaving.

Lilja: It’s a real honor to finally meet you!

King: It’s an honour to meet you to.

And with that he was of in the night. I was left with a very nice feeling, a copy of Lisey’s Story, a promotional paperweight (they where giving them away at the party) AND a picture of King and me!

Just as I was planning on leaving I ran into Robin Furth and got a VERY nice chat with here. She told me that 3 issues of The Dark Tower comic was already done and that it looks amazing. No one will be disapointed with it, that is for sure.

I also got a chance to talk to a lot of people from Hodder & Stoughton, including King’s proofreader...and it turned out to be an extreamley nice evening.

A new Bachman book? Yes, says King.

Posted: November 8, 2006, 10:14
During the reading at Battersea Park King gave the audience a real surprice. He got a question about if he’ll ever wrier under a pen name again and answered by saying that there are one more Bachman book that he found in the basement. He didn’t say anything about a release date but it’s suposedley written back in 1973.

King at Battersea Park

Posted: November 8, 2006, 10:11
King’s reading at Battersea Park in London is over. King was first interviewed for about 45 minits. Then he read two sections from Lisey’s Story and answered questions that the reader of The Times had sent in through their site.

King then ended the the whole thing by signing books for a lot of happy fans.

Lilja finally meets King

Posted: November 8, 2006, 10:03
Finally, 12 hours after I left Sweden I stod face to face with King. It was at Borders in London and I think I pulled it of without sounding to crazy.

King: Hi How are you?

Lilja: Fine and you?

King: Fine.

Lilja: Are your hand tired?

King: No it’s OK, it’s on autopilot.

And then it was over...

Lilja and King in the UK...

Posted: November 7, 2006, 00:07
In just a few hours I’m leaving for London to cover King’s visit there. I’m going to try (depending on if I can get my hands on a computer with Internet access) to keep you up to date on everything that’s happening there. Believe me, it will be a very interesting few days so check back often.

Willa teaser

Posted: November 5, 2006, 22:51

Here is a teaser of Willa from Playboy. Please be ware that there are semi-nude women if you follow this link. Click on the Get a FREE PREVIEW link to get there.

Thanks to Takara.

Talisman 3 - sort of a ‘24’ thing

Posted: November 1, 2006, 22:19
A poster at said that King was asked about a third book in the Talisman series. I assume it was at one of the readings he has done in the US.

King replied that yes he has spoken with Straub. At the end of Black House Jack is dying in our world and goes to the territories. King sees a story where Jack has to return to our world, must only do so in brief periods as it accelerates his death. In King’s words: “sort of a ‘24’ thing”.

Thanks to Bev Vincent

#1 of The Dark Tower Comic out Feb. 7

Posted: October 31, 2006, 20:52
Here are some news about The Dark Tower Comic. Seems the first issue will be out on February 7.

On-Sale Date Set for The Dark Tower Comic
The latest news from Marvel is that the first issue of The Dark Tower comics will be on-sale on February 7, 2007.

The Dark Tower Sketchbook, featuring character designs, penciled pages, commentary, and a primer on the world of the Dark Tower, will be available free at your local Marvel retailer on December 13, 2006.

For more information about the sketchbook, please Click Here .

Craig R Baxley to tie Nicole Kidman to the bed?

Posted: October 31, 2006, 19:38
Seems Gerald's Game might be up for the movies...

Craig R Baxley (Kingdom Hospital, Storm of the Century) hopes to direct a film version of Stephen King's 1992 Gerald's Game starring Nicole Kidman, adapted by King himself.

Thanks to Bev Vincent

One week left...

Posted: October 31, 2006, 12:32
Here is a remainder that it’s only one week left to order your copy of the limited edition of The Green Mile if you want to get your name in it. Read more over at

An idea for another novel...

Posted: October 28, 2006, 20:10
Noah posted this on SKEMERs from King's reading in NY:

Anyway, the actual reading and interview was great. John Connolly was funny and engaging. King said that he has a rough manuscript of a new novel completed, and spoke about an idea he had for another novel: a man and his wife are driving on the Interstate late at night. They pull into a rest stop, and the wife asks the husband to go inside and buy her a soda. As the husband crosses the parking lot, a man gets out of the only other car parked at the rest stop and approaches the husband with a map. He asks the husband for directions, and as the husband bends to look at the map, the guy shoots him in the head. Another man, meanwhile, had circled the car and now holds the wife at gunpoint. The guy with the map comes over and removes the couples' baby from the back seat. They say to the wife, "You will do exactly what we tell you to do, or in 24 hours we will put your baby in a microwave oven and cook him." King described the wife as "the perfect guided missile."

Thanks to Bev Vincent

Another interview with Mick Garris

Posted: October 26, 2006, 22:22
Here is another interview with Mick Garris. This one is from Dread Central.

Here Garris talks about the bad treatment Desperation got from ABC, his new book Development Hell and season 2 of Masters of Horror.

Clip from GMA earlier today

Posted: October 26, 2006, 00:24
Here is the clip from earlier today where King was interviewed on Good Morning America about Lisey’s Story.

They have also put an excerpt from the book online.

Click for a larger image Click for a larger image

Garris involved in Bag of Bones and From A Buick 8?

Posted: October 25, 2006, 01:14
Mick Garris has been interviewed by Bloody Disgusting and here are some interesting news about Bag of Bones and From A Buick 8

BD: You are quickly becoming The King of the Stephen King miniseries – any more coming up?

MG: We’re looking at “Bag of Bones” as well as “From A Buick 8” – there’s a character in that one named after my wife, who played the dead woman in Room 237 in “The Shining”. It would be a lot of fun if Cynthia were to play a character named after her. And Eli Roth is still going to be adapting “Cell” for the big screen.

I checked with Garris and he wanted me to tell you that they don't have either project set up yet, but that they are pursuing them.

November 8 signing canceled

Posted: October 25, 2006, 00:08
It seems the signing in London on November 8 has been canceled. It’s gone on the list of signings on King’s official site and this explanation was given on the message board:

Yes, that book signing has been removed. I had misunderstood that it was a "done deal" as it was on the list but hadn't actually been finalized. Hodder decided to do a radio program instead on that date.

King on TV

Posted: October 24, 2006, 23:58
King will be on TV tomorrow. This is from the official site.

Stephen will be appearing on Good Morning America Wednesday, October 25th between 8:15 AM and 8:45 AM Est.

New interview

Posted: October 24, 2006, 16:33
Here is a new interview with King from Financial News.

Thanks to Bev Vincent

Sunday's winner

Posted: October 23, 2006, 00:07
Here are the correct answer for Sunday’s question in the Lisey’s Story contest:

Question: Is Lisey’s Story Mark Stutzman’s favorite of all the covers he has done for King’s books.
Answer: No (his favorite is Everything’s Eventual)

And the winners are… Melissa Mary Allyn from the US (an audio copy), Jamin Laney from the US (an audio copy) and Krista Tom from the Netherlands (a UK hardback) and Josef Klein from Germany (a US hardback), Congratulations!

Friday and Saturday’s winners

Posted: October 22, 2006, 01:30
Here are the correct answer for Friday and Saturday’s question in the Lisey’s Story contest. Due to some technical difficulties I didn’t get the winners for Friday’s contest out in time so therefore you’ll get both day’s winners now.

Before I give you the winners though I want to remind you that you have to subscribe to my newsletter to have the chance to win. During the drawing of these 7 winners I had to disqualify 3 entries because they wasn’t resisted to the newsletter or had given a different e-mail address. So, make sure you subscribe and give the right mail in the entry.

Question: An excerpt from Lisey’s Story was first published in 2004. Where?
Answer: McSweeney’s Enchanted Chamber of Astonishing Stories.

And the winners are… Sebastiaan Rutten from the Netherlands (an audio copy), Peter Hunt from the US (an audio copy) and Alex Michielon from the Australia (a UK hardback), Congratulations!

Question: How many days did it take for Lilja’s Library to get 1,000,000 hits?
Answer: March15th 1999 – October 14th 2006. That is 2771 days.

And the winners are… Vince Sonnenberg from the US (an audio copy), Per Andersson from Sweden (an audio copy), Kelly Bridges from the US (a UK hardback) and Frank Hill from the UK (a US hardback), Congratulations!

Interview with Mark Stutzman

Posted: October 21, 2006, 15:34
Here is an interview I have done with Mark Stutzman who has designed the covers for many of King’s recent books including the upcoming Lisey’s Story.

Stephen King special in The Times

Posted: October 21, 2006, 01:17
The Times has launched their Stephen King special to celebrate that King will soon be in the UK for the first time in 8 years. On their site they have a lot of interesting stuff and if you head over there you’ll find the two first chapters of Lisey’s Story, a podcast and more.