More Names Enter The Institute & Who Plays Who?

Posted: September 24, 2024, 10:47
Deadline reports that 11 more names have been added to The Institute series. Already known are Mary-Louise Parker, Ben Barnes, Simone Miller and Jason Diaz. They are now joined by Joe Freeman, Fionn Laird, Hannah Galway, Julian Richings, Robert Joy, Viggo Hanvelt, Arlen So, Birva Pandya, Dan Beirne, Martin Roach and Jane Luk. Production of the eight-episode series will begin in Nova Scotia later this year.

Laird plays Nick, The Institute’s resident bad-boy rebel.

Galway portrays Wendy, police officer and lifelong resident in the town where Tim is night knocking.

Joy plays Hendricks, the Doctor in charge of The Institute’s scientific work.

Roach portrays Chief Ashworth, Tim’s boss, the small-town Chief of Police.

Hanvelt plays Avery, the youngest, most innocent, and by far the most powerful of The Institute’s inmates.

Richings portrays Stackhouse, The Institute’s calculating head of security.

Beirne plays Drew, a police officer in the department Tim works for.

So portrays George, The Institute’s class clown.

Pandya plays Iris, one of the first kids Luke meets when he arrives at The Institute.

Luke portrays Maureen, an Institute orderly with a tragic past.

Previously announced Barnes’ Tim Jamieson is a disillusioned ex-cop who takes a job as the night knocker in a small town, withdrawing from the world until Luke’s plight reignites him and gives him something to believe in.

Parker will play Ms. Sigsby, the charming but iron-willed director of the Institute and a true believer in its awful mission. She’s certain history will come to see her as a hero.
Miller plays Kalisha, a sarcastic-but-friendly Institute inmate, who becomes one of Luke’s closest allies.

Diaz plays Tony, the most sadistic of the Institute’s orderlies, who delights in wielding his power over the children.

More Casting For The Institute

Posted: August 29, 2024, 07:42

There has been some additional casting announced for The Institute. Simone Miller and Jason Diaz have joined Ben Barnes and Mary-Louise Parker.

Miller plays Kalisha who is a sarcastic-but-friendly Institute inmate. She becomes one of Luke’s allies. Diaz plays Tony, a sadistic orderly at the Institute’s, who likes to use his power on the children.

Barnes plays former police officer Tim Jamieson who’s looking to start a new life and , but the peace and quiet won’t last, as his story and Luke’s are destined to collide.

The Institute Starts Filming

Posted: August 20, 2024, 10:46
It seems The Institute has started filming in Windsor, NS. This casting call sheet for background performers appeared online recently. And one of the actors, Ben Barnes posted a picture of the script for the pilot on his Instagram last week.

Thanks to Herbert West

The Institute To Be An 8 Episode Series

Posted: June 13, 2024, 21:04
MGM+ has given a series order to The Institute. Ben Barnes (Shadow and Bone) plays former police officer Tim Jamieson and Mary-Louise Parker (Weeds) play Ms. Sigsby. Director/executive producer is Jack Bender (Mr. Mercedes). Production is slated to begin in Nova Scotia later this year and the plan is an eight episodes series.

From the press release

”I’m delighted and excited at the prospect of The Institute, with its high-intensity suspense, being filmed as a series,” said Stephen King. ”The combination of Jack Bender and Ben Cavell guarantees that the results will be terrific.”

Thanks to Alex Maidy.

It would make a hell of a murder weapon, wouldn’t it?

Posted: March 4, 2020, 08:35
Here is another photo from Audie Awards.

In his introduction Hill said:
Stephen King is the best damn ambassador for audiobooks anyone could ever wish or hope for. His love for the form goes back decades. I know. I was there.

And King joked when accepting the award:
it would make a hell of a murder weapon, wouldn’t it?” He added: “I listen to my own books –the reason why is because you can hear everything you did right and everything you did wrong. This is the most honorable form of storytelling there is.

Stephen King was given the Audio Publishers Association’s (APA) Lifetime Achievement Award by Hill and The Institute (narrated by Santino Fontana) won the Thriller and Suspense category. Hill’s Full Throttle won for Best Collection.

Source: The Fire Wire.

The Institute To be A Limited Series

Posted: September 11, 2019, 10:29
Yesterday The Institute was released and on the same day Spyglass Media Group’s TV division announced that they will develop the book as a limited series, with David E. Kelley and Jack Bender (the team behind Mr. Mercedes) attached. Kelley will pen the adaptation and Bender will direct. Both will executive produce. No release date has been revealed.

“I’m delighted to be working with Jack and David, the creative team behind Mr. Mercedes. We think alike, and I believe The Institute is going to be a great success.”

Stephen King

Thanks to Andry Malinin