Author Photo Quiz
How well do you know your King? Do the Author Photo Quiz where you have to pick the correct photo for a specific title out of three options. It might be a little bit tricky and perhaps extra tricky since the photos are from the US hardcovers. But you can of course take the quiz as many times as you like!
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Show yourself with books by King for the world! See all entries and submit your own photo!
Mr Mercedes (325) Revival (175) Finders Keepers (126) The Bazaar of Bad Dreams (106) End of Watch (101) Charlie the Choo-Choo (17) Gwendy's Button Box (13) Sleeping Beauties (20) Shining in the Dark (32) The Outsider (16) The Institute (3) If it Bleeds (3) Later (12) Elevation (1)

Over the years many have tried to crown the #1 Stephen King book and at Lilja's Library the fans decides which one is the best - together. The poll is open until 20,000 votes have been cast. Then we know.
Take me to the poll!