Radcliffe as Ig in Horns

Posted: July 19, 2012, 01:30
This fall, Mandalay Pictures and Red Granite will be filming King's son, Joe Hill's, book Horns with Alexandre Aja behind the camera and Daniel Radcliffe as Ig Perrish. Personally I can't stand Radcliffe but that's just me. What are your thoughts on this?

Walking Dead season 3 trailer

Posted: July 14, 2012, 00:48
Great trailer for season 3 of The Walking Dead released today. Season 3 premiers October 14th on AMC.

Preview of Dexter season 7

Posted: July 14, 2012, 00:47
Here are the two first minutes of season 7 of Dexter that premiers September 30.

Brothers in New York

Posted: July 12, 2012, 21:45
Ghost Brothers of Darkland County might premier in New York.

The new Stephen King-John Mellencamp musical Ghost Brothers of Darkland County may not have faded into the mist since its Atlanta premiere last spring. Showbiz411 reports that the creative team is aiming for a September presentation in New York.

Read more here.

Thanks to Lou Sytsma

Resurrecting Carrie

Posted: July 9, 2012, 08:23
In case you missed this documentary about all things Carrie here's all you need to know about it from it's creator Michael Stever.

'Resurrecting Carrie' has hands down been one of the most difficult things I've ever filmed & edited together. First and foremost because I was attempting to 'merge' so many facets of Carrie into one rather short piece no less. I wanted it to be a retrospective of both stage productions, because honestly the creative team really has improved on the source materiel by leaps and bounds. But also because I simply had to show viewers Betty Buckley & Linzi Hateley's jaw drop scary rendition of 'And Eve Was Weak.' Of course the piece also had to incorporate the film not merely because it is hands down of the most visually spectacular pieces of cinema ever created, but because the wonderfully complex Piper Laurie was on hand, and not only agreed to sit down with me on camera, but then gave me over three hours of her time. I'm still pinching myself. I wanted the piece to incorporate the book, as Stephen King and the original source material, (not to mention his book's seemingly tenuous beginning phases) are the inspiration for everything else here, I wanted it to have a focus on bullying, as this is a blisteringly relevant social issue, and goes hand in hand with equality, one of our country's more divisive, controversial issues ever. What's more, I purposefully chose not to create an outline before hand, and let me tell you for the three months I spent working on this, it left me on more than one occasion sitting at my computer scratching my head wondering how in the Hell I was going to piece it all together effectively. What's more is I still have tons of material which didn't make it into the final piece, as again, I felt I was trying to incorporate so much already - I had to stick with certain specific variables. So now what do I do with the wonderful footage of Piper talking about how Sissy Spacek's husband Jack Fisk just happened to catch sight of her in rehearsals illuminated in the archway of Brian DePalma's apt with her hair down & combed out and was stopped in his tracks. "There!" he yelled.. That's how you should have your hair! "Initially I thought the character of Margaret White was quite stereotypical, and cliche" recalls Laurie. "But Brian really let me have free reign with Margaret and go into some very risky territory." What do I do with the footage of Piper talking about how DePalma actually let her and Spacek do their final 'stabbing scene' completely unrehearsed? These are all amazing moments which I simply couldn't ad to the piece, because I just thought it would distract from the focus I thought I had to stick to. Perhaps I should do this piece in chapters? There's an interesting idea.. Am not sure. All I know, is as my devotion to Carrie reaches far past the book, far past the film although Brian DePalma's cinematic masterwork still sends chills down my spine, and I'm sure will continue to do so till the day I die. One day there is going to be an incarnation of 'Carrie The Musical' which leaves audiences breathless. I can't wait when that day comes.

Resurrecting Carrie

Michael Stever works as a full time freelance director, filmmaker, camera man, editor & writer. To learn more, visit:

Haven coming to Comic Con

Posted: July 9, 2012, 08:06
It was recently announced that Haven, including it's three stars Eric Balfour, Emily Rose, and Lucas Bryant, will be heading to Comic Con this week.

Entertainment One announced that the Haven party will take place at Sidebar San Diego on Market Street in downtown San Diego this Thursday, July 12th, from 8pm-11pm. You can win tickets to the event by visiting the eOne booth at Comic con on Wednesday or Thursday. The cast is said to be at the party and you can bet the party will be Haven themed in its entirety!

Haven casting

Posted: July 6, 2012, 15:30
Nolan North and Claudia Black will guest star in season 3 of Haven. North will guest as an amnesiac named Anderson who awakes to find everyone else in the mysterious town asleep. Black will appear in the two-part episode "Magic Hour" as Moira, a bitter -- and possibly homicidal -- beauty.

Trailer for 11.22.63

Posted: July 4, 2012, 14:19
Here is a trailer for the UK paperback edition of 11.22.63

And here he talks about and read from the book.

New King story coming soon!

Posted: July 3, 2012, 15:45
My friend Kevin Quigley over at Charnel House brought this to my attention just now. King is releasing a new short story later this month.

This is what the moderator of King's board said:

Another one will be coming out in a month or so but can't release details yet.

This was posted last month and she later clarified that it's not part 2 of In the Tall Grass she's talking about by saying:

Question: That other story you mentioned that will be out in a month or so... is that part two of In The Tall Grass?

Moderator: It's not the second half--that's still the same story, not a different one.

So, there you have it. More King stuff coming. And when you visit Charnel House don't forget to check out Kev's books, OK? Good.

No third Talisman book in sight...

Posted: July 3, 2012, 14:37
With so many new editions of The Talisman and Black House being released the speculations about if the third book is finally being written has once again started. So, I thought that who better to ask about this than Peter Straub. He should know, right? Well, I sent him an email asking if he and King was any closer to writing the third book about Jack Sawyer and got a reply within the hour. This is what he said:

Sorry, Lilja, plans for the third book have gone no further than before. The new editions of the first two came about because the 10-year licenses on the previous editions came to an end, freeing us to sell the books all over again.

So, there you have it. Despite new editions of the first two books we are far, far away from knowing how the tale of Jack Sawyer ends…

Who are you? Show me and win!

Posted: July 3, 2012, 13:33
OK, it’s summer, vacation is here or almost here and I’m in a very good mood. And what’s better when you’re in a good mood than to give something away. Right! So, I asked Hodder & Stoughton and they generously gave me two copies of the paperback edition of 11/22/63 and two copies of the audio edition of The Wind Through the Keyhole (unabridged, read by King and with the first chapter of Doctor Sleep). How about that? Can I get a “Thank you Hodder & Stoughton”?

What do you have to do to enter this contest you might ask. Well, you need to send me a photo. It can be a photo of anything, King or not King, you or something else really doesn’t matter but it should be a representation of who you are. Like if you’re a bad ass biker you might want to take a photo of a cruel tattoo and if you’re a walking-in-the-moonlight person you might send in a photo of the moon. So, the photo doesn’t have to show you but it can. It’s totally up to you. Other than that it should represent who you are (add a comment if you feel you want to) it’s totally up to you to decide what represents you. OK?

I’m giving you a month to decide on a photo. You need to send it in no later than August 5th and then I’ll announce the four winners on Monday August 6st. Good luck and I’m really looking forward to see your photos.

Send the photos by mail

Lilja & Lou Get Blue In The Mist

Posted: July 2, 2012, 07:49

Episode 4: Lilja & Lou Get Blue In The Mist - of the Lilja & Lou Podcast is now out.

We review, 'The Mist,' with Special Guest, long time Stephen King Chronicler - Tyson Blue.

Plus the latest King news.

We hope you will all enjoy this episode and as usual we want to hear from you, good or bad, we want it all!

In this podcast:

1) 00:56 - Lilja and Lou Intro.
2) 01:37 - In The Death Room: Stephen King News
3) 11:55 - Reviews From The Night Shift: The Mist - in all its various incarnations.

- Get Dark Forces here
- Enter the contest
- King and The Rock Bottom Remainders

Send your feedback by contacting us at, facebook or twitter.

Listen here or on iTunes.

For listeners who want to download the file but don't use iTunes. RSS Feed for the podcast is here.

King and The Rock Bottom Remainders

Posted: June 28, 2012, 07:38
Here are two clips of King playing with The Rock Bottom Remainders last Friday.

Stephen King and The Rock Bottom Remainders cover The Trashmen's "Surfin' Bird" at The El Rey Theater, Los Angeles, Friday, 6/22/12.

Stephen King of the Rock Bottom Remainders singing Dee Clark's "Hey Little Girl" at the El Rey Theatre in Los Angeles on June 22, 2012.

Thanks to Herbert West

Dexter teaser

Posted: June 23, 2012, 21:55
Short teaser for season 7 of Dexter.

Thanks to Hans von Wirth

2 min of Dexter coming

Posted: June 21, 2012, 07:20
OK, all Dexter fans. At Comic Con this year we'll get a preview of the first 2 minutes of the first episode of season 7. How about that? Everyone who's seen season 6 knows what to expect...

Want to win a signed King book?

Posted: June 19, 2012, 22:42
OK, it’s once again contest time here at Lilja’s Library and this time I have put together a prizepack from my personal collection that I think most of you will find exciting. Here is what I have put together for you.

One lucky winner will get…

…a US hardcover of The Dark Tower 5 – Wolves of the Calla that’s flatsigned by non other than Stephen King himself. This book was sent to me from King’s officie years ago so it’s no doubt that it’s the real deal.

…a paperweight that was given out at the publisher party, arranged by King’s UK publisher Hodder & Stoughton, in London when King was there promoting Lisey’s Story back in 2006. They only did 500 copies of it so it’s definitely a collector’s item.

OK, what’s the catch you might ask? How can you win this prizepack? Well, since I want to give this to one of all you loyal fans that’s been supporting me for all the years I’m going to try to do just that. Here are the three ways you can win:

The twitter way to enter:
1) Follow @liljaslibrary on twitter.
2) Cut and paste this on twitter (each post will be a entry):
Win a signed book by Stephen King! Retweet this to win! Follow @LiljasLibrary to be eligible

The facebook way to enter:
“Like” Lilja’s Library on facebook and then “Like” and/or “Share” at least one of my post (each Like or Share will be one entry).

The “speak your mind” way to enter:
Leave a comment to a piece of your choice here on the site (each comment will be an entry).

You can enter as many times as you like but you have to do it before July 31st. I will then present the lucky winner on August 1st!

Before I let you head out to enter I want to ask a favor of you. As you know I have never charged you for anything here at Lilja’s Library and I never will but since these items are pretty heavy and it will cost me quite a few $ to send this somewhere in the world. Yes, this contest is open to anyone, anywhere in the world I’m going to ask you to please consider stopping by the Donation page. It’s not required to enter and whether you do or not will not affect your chances to win BUT if everyone who enters donates $1 it would help me cover the cost for this contest...

Treehouse of Horror V - The Shinning

Add or read comments 0 Comments

Cover for Man in Black

Posted: June 19, 2012, 07:47
Here is the cover for the first issue of The Man in Black. You can find it in stores on June 20.

Trailer for Sonja

Posted: June 19, 2012, 07:44
Here is a trailer for the Dollar Baby Sonja. A German version of Rest Stop.

Thanks to Hans von Wirth

Photo from season 7

Posted: June 19, 2012, 07:38
Here is a photo from season 7 of Dexter. I think this season will be great.

Edward James Olmos joins Machete Kills

Posted: June 19, 2012, 07:33
Edward James Olmos joins Sofia Vergara, Mel Gibson, Michelle Rodriguez, Jessica Alba, Amber Heard, Demian Bichir, Zoe Saldana, and of course Danny in Machete Kills. I can't wait to see this one!

Moretz talks Carrie

Posted: June 19, 2012, 07:31
Here is how Chloe Moretz describes the new version of Carrie:

“I am changing everything about me—my hair, my look,” Moretz tells Vanity Fair. “I’m doing my own take on [the character]. The script is totally different from the [original]. It’s more like the book. It’s a more Black Swan version—it messes with your mind. You’ll see things, and you don’t know if you’ve seen them.”

More here.

More Carrie casting

Posted: June 19, 2012, 07:29
Dread Central reports that Portia Doubleday and Judy Greer will join the cast of Carrie

MGM and Screen Gems have confirmed that Portia Doubleday and Judy Greer will join the cast of Carrie. Doubleday will play Chris Hargensen with Greer as Miss Desjardin, the gym teacher. They join the previously announced Julianne Moore as Margaret White, Carrie's mom, Gabriella Wilde in the role of Sue Snell, Alex Russell, Ansel Elgort, and of course Chloe Moretz in the title role.

Look for Kim Peirce's Carrie to be in theatres on March 15, 2013.

Exclusive interview with Tom Holland

Posted: June 18, 2012, 15:38
Today I have an exclusive interview with director Tom Holland for you. In it we talk about his upcoming adaptation of King’s The Ten O’Clock People as well as his previous King adaptations; The Langoliers and Thinner. BTW did you know they originally shoot a different ending for Thinner?

Seeking Haven From Cujo

Posted: June 17, 2012, 20:46

Episode 3: Seeking Haven From Cujo - of Lilja & Lou Podcast is now out.

In it Hans has an exclusive interview with the showrunners of Syfy's Stephen King based series Haven - Jim Dunn, Sam Ernst, & Charles Ardai.

We review the Cujo Blu-Ray.

Plus the latest King news and listener email. We hope you will all enjoy this episode and as usual we want to hear from you, good or bad, we want it all!

In this podcast:

1) 00:56 - Lilja and Lou Intro.
2) 01:35 - In The Death Room: Stephen King News
3) 21:34 - Hans Exclusive Interview with the Haven TV series, showrunners.
4) 42:11 - Reviews From The Night Shift: Nothing new to review this installment.
5) 42:32 - The King Crate: Hans and Lou review: Cujo - The BluRay version.
6) 59:22 - Marv's Mailbag: listener email

Abandoned Amusement Park Article link -

Trailer for 1922
Trailer for Big Driver
Trailer for Fair Extension
Trailer for A Good Marriage

Intro Music - Don't Fear The Reaper - Blue Oyster Cult
Outro Music - Stand By Me - Ben E. King

Send your feedback by contacting us at, facebook or twitter.

Listen here or on iTunes.

For listeners who want to download the file but don't use iTunes. RSS Feed for the podcast is here.

New contest coming!

Posted: June 15, 2012, 15:42
Looks like I'll be hosting a contest with a great prize (starting next week). Can't say much more right now but keep your eye on the Lilja's Library facebook if you want to be among the first to hear about it.

Signed by Rock Bottom Remainders

Posted: June 14, 2012, 21:22
Get your tickets for the June 22nd Rock Bottom Remainder concert here. And while you're there, check out the signed books and lithograph they are selling. Very nice collectors items.

Thanks to Jeff Pomilla