Pre-order Song of Susannah

Posted: October 7, 2003, 00:00
Now you can pre-order the audio editions of Song of Susannah from

Simon & Schuster Audio will release 'Salem's Lot on audiocassette and CD in January 2004. It will be read by Ron McLarty whose book The Memory of Running King praised in his column in Entertainment Weekly.

King has been nominated for a 2003 British Fantasy Society award under the Best Collection category for his collection, Everything's Eventual. The awards will be presented during FantasyCon 2003, November 21-23, 2003, in Stafford, England. King has won a total of 5 British Fantasy Society awards in the past.

Thanks to Jonathan Reitan for this.

The Journals of Eleanor Druse

Posted: September 29, 2003, 00:00
The Journals of Eleanor Druse: My Investigation of the Kingdom Hospital Incident will be released from Hyperion in January 2004. It's a journal by King's character Eleanore Druse from Kingdom Hospital.

The issue of Entertainment Weekly with King's latest column in it is now out. The column is called In my book, it's no contest.

Thanks to Bev Vincent.

King to speak at Burns Film Center

Posted: September 25, 2003, 00:00
It has now been confirmed that King will speak at the Burns Film Center. On their site they confirm that Cujo will be shown and that afterwards King will discuss horror movies with JBFC board member and New York Times critic Janet Maslin. Tickets will go on sale October 1. has put another short review of Wolves of the Calla online. Read it on your own risk.

Kingdom Hospital first look

Posted: September 22, 2003, 00:00
Here is an exclusive first look at the set of Kingdom Hospital. You will find 17 images from the set of the TV series.

King speaks Oct. 30

Posted: September 18, 2003, 00:00
Judy in Connecticut reported today in SKEMERs that she had talked to an employee of the Burns Film Center in Pleasantville, N.Y. who confirmed that King would make an appearance there on Oct. 30. King will speak and the movie Cujo will be shown. The price to be there is $90 for members and $110 for non-members. Tickets are not yet available, but will be by Oct. 1, maybe sooner.

Here is the first entry in the ongoing Gunslinger contest.

Thanks to Bev Vincent.

When to order The Dark Tower

Posted: September 11, 2003, 00:00
I got a press release and an ARC of Wolves of the Calla from Hodder & Stoughton today even though the ARC doesn't have the illustrations it lists all their titles.

There seams to be a remake of Christine in the making. There have been reports about a lawsuit filed by Richard Kobritz the producer for the 82 film adaptation of Christine directed by J. Carpenter. Evidently the suit states that Kobritz was left out of negotiations for the upcoming remake to be aired on NBC TV. He is seeking financial compensation. No other info has appeared at this time.

Thanks to Cujo-Phil.

Unaired pilot of The Dead Zone

Posted: September 9, 2003, 00:00
Here is a short summary of the unaired pilot of The Dead Zone that you could get on DVD for free when you bought the first season on DVD. I hope you all got it. There will be a review of it here soon.

On the DVD you get the original 84 minute unaired pilot that has quite a few different scenes. Most obviously with Michael Moriarity as Reverend Gene Purdy instead of David Ogden Stiers and a different, tall, blonde actress playing reporter Dana Bright.

The disc contains some extras as well. It has yet another audio commentary, this time with Lloyd Segan and Shawn Piller. There are also several promos for Season 2. Some easter eggs including trailers for The Dead Zone & Rose Red. 10 minutes of deleted scenes with timecode including some footage that was re-shot different ways or in different locations. There is even some stuff that appears nowhere else. All shot by another director. The deleted scenes have an optional audio commentary.

The score for this pilot is also done by someone else and some of the music is changed like it doesn't have Steely Dan's Do it Again during the Wheel of Fortune scene.

Thanks to Terry Warrick for this brief review.

Now you can check out King's first two columns for Entertainment Weekly online.

John Mellencamp talks musical

Posted: September 3, 2003, 10:07
"In a recent AP interview, John Mellencamp talked a teeny bit about the musical he's writing with Stephen King.

What will the musical you're writing with Stephen King be like? MELLENCAMP: (Laughing) I can tell what it's not going to be like: It won't be "Jack and Diane" meets "Cujo." He's already written the story -- it's very beautiful, more like "The Green Mile." It's an American story about an American family. Some of the characters are 100 years old, some are 15. So that will give me the opportunity to write for each character in a different style. I ain't writing a bunch of rock songs"

Thanks to Jonathan Reitan.

John Mellencamp talked...

Posted: September 3, 2003, 00:00
Shooting of Secret Garden started yesterday in Bromont, Quebec.

In a recent AP interview, John Mellencamp talked a teeny bit about the musical he's writing with Stephen King.

The Rock Bottom Remainders will be appearing at the Texas Book Festival on November 8.

The Authors Party (7 to 10 p.m. Saturday) at Austin Music Hall will cost $40 per person $150 for VIP pre-party event. At this time it is unconfirmed if Stephen King will be joining the other authors at this event.

Thanks to Jonathan Reitan for this.

Diary DVD cover and article about Robin Furth

Posted: August 30, 2003, 00:00
To the right is the cover of the DVD edition of The Diary of Ellen Rimbauer. It will be released on October 14th.

The people in Creswick will be the first to see Salem's Lot.

Here is the cast list for most of the parts in Kingdom Hospital.

An article about Robin Furth who has written the magnetic book Stephen King's The Dark Tower - A Concordance has finally appeared online.

The Dead Zone renewed for a third season

Posted: August 24, 2003, 00:00
Today there is great news. The Dead Zone has been renewed for a third season!

There is also a CD out with the soundtrack from the first season.

I have also read the new edition of The Gunslinger and if you want you can now check out my review.

Here's the link to King's latest Entertainment Weekly column. It will only work if you are a subscriber or use AOL though. Thanks to John Hanic.

OK, it's time for a WARNING! As I reported earlier King have a piece in Book Magazine. Well what is promoted on the cover as At The Movies: Tom Wolfe, Gwyneth Paltrow, Stephen King, Dennis Lehane is actually just a short list of King's five favorite movies from 2002-2003.

So, this is nothing more then a small list and a big misuse of King's name by Book Magazine to sell more issues if you ask me.

BTW his favorites are: Wrong Turn, The Good Thief, Spellbound, Dark Blue and The Quite American.

Thanks to Ed Yarb for the warning.

Reviews and Always, They Come Back

Posted: August 21, 2003, 00:00
I have been doing some reviewing lately and now I'm proud to let you know that you can check out my review of the latest Dollar Baby Autopsy Room Four and season 2 of The Dead Zone.

In other news;

The issue of Entertainment Weekly with King's second column is now out. The column is called Always, They Come Back and you can see what the cover looks on the right.

King will also be back in Book Magazine next month. In the Sept/Oct issue he lists five of his favorite movies of the past year with a little bit about each one.

Thanks to Bev Vincent.

Dreamcatcher on DVD

Posted: August 13, 2003, 00:00
The DVD edition of Dreamcatcher will contain a new interview with King according to DVD Exclusive.

According to Warner the extra material will be the following:
Original Ending and Lifted Scenes
DreamWriter - A look at Stephen King and the process he went through when writing Dreamcatcher (this is probably the interview)
DreamWeavers - The Visual Effects of Dreamcatcher
DreamMakers - A Journey Through Production
Teaser Trailer

Thanks to Terry Warrick.

Diary DVD, Misery play and Wolves summary

Posted: August 12, 2003, 00:00
Lion's Gate will release The Diary of Ellen Rimbauer on DVD on October 10. It will have Commentaries and Multi-Audio.

Misery will be preformed as a stage play in Belgium later this year. It's being played at a theater called het Klokhuis and it is in the center of Antwerp. The performance dates are 20, 21, 22, 23 & 24 October. The group who performs it is called BATS. More info to come. has posted a new summary of Wolves of the Calla on the book's main page at the site. There is some new information, which should prove interesting for you. You can also check out a cool promotional item for the UK edition over at eBay.

Thanks to Terry Warrick.

Casting error

Posted: August 6, 2003, 22:57
As I suspected the casting info for Bag of Bones over at wasn't correct. They have now removed the info.

The Pop of King and Bernie does a new cover

Posted: August 5, 2003, 00:00
The issue of Entertainment Weekly with King's column is now out. It's called The Pop of King. It can also be read online but only if you're a subscriber.

Bernie Wrightson is currently working on a new cover for the paperback edition of Wolves of the Calla.

Kristen Dalton interviewed

Posted: August 2, 2003, 00:00
Recently I had a talk with Kristen Dalton who plays Dana Bright in The Dead Zone. She told me her feelings about the series and you can check out what they are in the interview.

In other Dead Zone news. Lloyd Segan hopes that a third season will begin in March 2004...if they get picked up for a third season that is...

Out of nowhere a short film based of King's story Autopsy Room Four appeared.

There has now been an official press release about Kingdom Hospital released.

Casting for Bag of Bones

Posted: July 31, 2003, 22:44
According to there has been some casting done for the movie version of Bag of Bones.

Please remember that this hasn't been confirmed anywhere else yet though.

Billy Crudup - Michael Noonan
Jennifer Garner - Mattie Stanchfield Devore
Neil Patrick Harris - John Storrow
Abigail Breslin - Kyra Elizabeth Devore
Rance Howard - Bill Dean

Stephen King will join Entertainment Weekly

Posted: July 31, 2003, 00:00
King will join Entertainment Weekly as a columnist. He will have a column every month and the first one will be in the August 8 issue.

This is from King's official newsletter:

Stephen King will join Entertainment Weekly as a columnist, beginning with the August 8 issue. Appearing on the magazine's back page, King's commentary will examine various facets of pop culture. The column will appear once a month, alternating with the magazine's current back page, "Stupid Questions with..." This is the first time since his college days that King has penned a regular column.
Thanks to Bev Vincent.

Kingdom Hospital and more...

Posted: July 30, 2003, 00:00
Two actors and one actresse have been selected for King's Kingdom Hospital. They are Andrew McCarthy, Diane Ladd and Bruce Davison.

Here is an article about the great CD-ROM The Complete Guide to the Works of Stephen King.

Here is the UK cover for Stephen King's The Dark Tower: A Concordance, Volume One. It will be released in hardback on October 1st.

The Encore Network will air a new documentary about the films of Frank Darabont starting on August 2nd at 11:00 AM EST. It runs 60 minutes with no commercial breaks.

Thanks to Terry Warrick.

Territories and more reviewed

Posted: July 19, 2003, 00:00
I have been doing some reviewing today and I'm pleased to be able to put three reviews online. I have been taking a closer look at The Dead Zone season one DVD box, Dreamcatcher - The Shooting Script and a new CD with Dark Tower inspired music on called Territories.

You can get more info and order your copy of Territories at

Secret Window, Secret Garden will be filming in North Hatley in mid-September.

King will be narrator for Kingdom Hospital.

Wolves of the Calla

Posted: July 16, 2003, 00:00
Here is the contents list for Wolves of the Calla.

Check out a new interview with Bev Vincent, author of The Road to the Dark Tower.

Scribner has two new contests online. In one you can win Dark Tower books and in the other you get a chance to meet King in person...IF you live in the US that is. Here is their mail:

Dear Stephen King Fan,

We know you were expecting your Stephen King news fix on July 10, but we were forced to hold out a little longer to give you an extra treat. Hopefully you'll think it was worth the wait...

As of last week, we were going to give you a chance to win Wolves of the Calla by proving your King and Dark Tower knowledge and helping us create a brain-busting Dark Tower trivia game, NOW we're giving you A CHANCE TO MEET THE GREAT ONE, STEPHEN KING, when you become a Gunslinger online! Read on....

* * *


Think you know the Dark Tower? Prove it!

Just email five DARK TOWER trivia questions to Put "Dark Tower" in the subject line, and be sure to include the DARK TOWER book and page number for each answer. Email those five questions our way, and you'll automatically be entered to win a copy of WOLVES OF CALLA! Remember questions must come from THE DARK TOWER books. Click below for official rules.

* * *


Be a Gunslinger (or just act like one!)

We've selected a few passages from THE DARK TOWER and posted them on and Dress as your favorite DARK TOWER character, select one of the passages, and videotape your performance (but only 1 to 3 minutes). We'll post 50 of the best entries online in our Dark Tower Gallery, and the world will vote for the winner!

The Grand Prize Winner will meet Stephen King in New York and four runners-up will receive signed hardcover editions of The Dark Tower I through VII.

So pick a passage and start filming!

* * *

Keeping you up on all things King, we remain,

Children 8 will have the spirit of the original

Posted: July 9, 2003, 20:35
Some new info about Children of the Corn 8 has now been revealed:

The Talented “Tooth Fairy” himself, Harris has been talking on his official site again about the next “Children of the Corn” installment, which he’s attached to. “I'm not able to answer anything specifically just yet, but we're not going to be dredging up the past any more than we have to. COTC: Whatever (it's not named yet and typing the number '8' makes my head hurt) will maintain the spirit of the original film and the Stephen King novella. It will be scary with hardcore thrills and disturbing deaths with elements you'll recognize as signatures of the franchise (chases through cornfields, deaths by sickles, teenage sex, sacrifices and the triumphant return of He Who Walks Behind the Rows included). It will take place in Gatlin and will draw on the history of that town as we know it”, says Harris. “There's a lot of enthusiasm building behind this project. Stay tuned. I wouldn't have it any other way.”

Seems fans of the series want to know whether this new instalment will have anything to do with the previous 7 films. “No one needs to have seen any of the previous movies to know what's going on at all. That's how it should be when you're trying to re-jack the franchise. But if you are familiar with the original movie (and story), you'll probably feel rewarded”.

And when can we expect it? “I'm currently working on the script, getting the second draft into shape. We won't be shooting for a while. I'll keep you posted.”

Thanks to Moviehole.

King's review of Harry Potter 5 and more

Posted: July 9, 2003, 00:00

Filardi talks about Salem's Lot in a new article in Fangoria.

Now you can order Wolves of the Calla from Grant, see a first image of an ARC of the book and soon you will be able to enter a Dark Tower trivia game on

Here is King's review of Harry Potter King's own handwriting!

Here is an article about the Book magazine fictional essay by King.

Next June Johnny Depp will appear in Secret Window, Secret Garden at the cinemas.

Dreamcatcher will be released on DVD on September 30. The DVD will include anamorphic widescreen video (a full frame version will also be available),Dolby Digital 5.1 audio, several production featurettes (DreamWriter: An interview with Stephen King, DreamMakers: A Journey Through the Production and DreamWeavers: The Visual Effects of Dreamcatcher), four deleted scenes and the original ending and the teaser trailer.

Thanks to Bev Vincent and Terry Warrick.

Some new info about Children of the Corn 8 has now been revealed.

UK covers for The Dark Tower 1 - 4

Posted: July 3, 2003, 00:00

Here are the new UK covers for The Dark Tower 1 - 4.

Here is a piece from Donald M. Grant's latest brochure that looks really cool.

Stationary Bike, Scramble Game and Hollywood's Stephen King

Posted: July 2, 2003, 00:00
A new story called Stationary Bike by King will appear in Borderlands 5 released by Borderlands press. The book will be released in November and it will contain stories byauthors like Bev Vincent (author of The Road to the Dark Tower), Brian Freeman and Whitley Strieber.

On Scribner's King site you can now solve a scramble puzzle. The puzzle contains an illustration from Wolves of the Calla.

Now you can download Act 1 and see the video preview of episode one of the new summer season of The Dead Zone.

Here is the cover to Anthony Magistrale book Hollywood's Stephen King that will be released in November. You can preorder it here from or here from

Here is a new interview with King in which he says that all The Dark Tower books will be rewritten one day...

Thanks to Jonathan Reitan.

ARC of Wolves of the Calla

Posted: June 29, 2003, 00:00
King's fictional essay America the Literate can now be site.

The first ARC of Wolves of the Calla has now surfaced on eBay.

Bev Vincent author of the book The Road to The Dark Tower now has a message board on his site. Check it out for the latest info on his book and other King info.

And last. Don't forget that it's about 24 hours left of The Dark Tower 1 - 4 contest where you can win a set of all four books for free! You have until 11:59 GMT (Greenwhich Mean Time) p.m. June 30, 2003 to enter.

The Dead Zone bonus disc

Posted: June 27, 2003, 00:00
If you want the bonus disk that is available when you get the season 1 box for The Dead Zone you need to buy it prior to 9/20/03. The bonus disc features the unaired Dead Zone season one pilot episode and other Special Features. You can order the box here.

On Hodder & Stoughton's site you can now sign up for exclusive news, competitions and giveaways. The link is at the bottom of this site:

King's appearance on CNN and Diary review

Posted: June 25, 2003, 00:00
On CNN's site you can now find a transcript from King's appearance on CNN Newsnight Aaron Brown yesterday.

My review of The Diary of Ellen Rimbauer is online.

America the Literate

King has a fictional essay published in Book magazine for Jul/Aug 2003 its called America the Literate.

Thanks to Greg Panian.

Here is a review of The Gunslinger.

Thanks to Bev Vincent

Don't forget to order The Dark Tower 1 - 4 and to enter my contest where you can win a set of all four books for free!

UK cover for Wolves of the Calla and more

Posted: June 24, 2003, 00:00
Here is the UK cover for Wolves of the Calla.

You can now read the foreword by King and the introduction by Robin for the book The Dark Tower Concordance online. You can also find an excerpt from The Gunslinger (new version) here.

Read Harvey's Dream online

Posted: June 23, 2003, 00:00
Here you can read King's new short story Harvey's Dream online.

Now you can see King's appearance on the Today show earlier today online.

Thanks to Bev Vincent

Kingdom Hospital shooting days and other news

Posted: June 21, 2003, 00:00
Kingdom Hospital will be shooting between August 11, 2003 and March, 2004.

Here is an article USA Today about King and The Dark Tower.

There has been an update to the official King site and here is what they report:

Stephen King to appear on The Today Show, Monday, June 23rd
Stephen should be appearing in the 8 o'clock hour (EST), tune in to hear the newest information of the release of the first four Dark Tower books from Penguin.

New short story
In the June 30th issue of The New Yorker, Stephen has published his new short story, Harvey's Dream. Look for it on newsstands June 23rd.

Stephen King to appear on the Aaron Brown Show
Look for him on Tuesday, June 24th, 10:15pm - 11:00pm EST.

Dead Zone DVD, King reads afterword and more

Posted: June 17, 2003, 00:00
The first season of The Dead Zone is released today on DVD. You can preorder your copy here.

King will read the afterword himself on the audio edition of Wolves of the Calla.

Viking now has a site up for the first four Dark Tower books. The address is

A short movie is planned based on Lucky Quarter.

Promotion of The Dark Tower 1-4

Posted: June 13, 2003, 00:00
I got some info about how King will promote The Dark Tower 1-4 and it seams like there will be plenty of TV, radio and in print. I'm happy to be able to present this list of where you can check it out and what you can expect!

For The Dark Tower 1 - 4:

June 23 "Today Show"/ Interview, in the 8:00 hour
June 23 USA Today, cover story of Life Section
June 24 "NewsNight with Aaron Brown", interview
June 23, 24 Syndicated Print Interview: feature will run in St. Louis Dispatch, Denver Post, Austin American -Statesman, Milwaukee Journal, and St Petersburg Times
June 24 TV Satellite tour- details below
June 25 Radio Satellite tour- details below

June 24 TV SATELLITE TOUR-all times EST
8:32-39am: Baltimore/AM News/ FOX/Live
8:40-45am: Cleveland/"Good Day Cleveland"/ FOX/Live
8:49-54am: Sacramento/ "Daybreak"/ CBS/ Live
8:55-01am: Chicago/ "WGN Morning News"/ WB/ Live
9:03-08am: Miami/ "5:30PM News'/ CBS/ Taped
9:09-14am: Denver/ "9 News AM"/ NBC/ Taped
9:15-20am: tk
9:20-26am: Dallas/ "Good Day"/ FOX/ Live
9:30-36am: Chicago/ "FOX Thing in AM"/ FOX/ Live
9:37-42am: Boston/ "Evening News"/ NBC/ Taped
9:43-48am: Phoenix/ "AM News"/ NBC/ Taped
9:49-54am: San Francisco/"Eyewitness News Early"/CBS/Live
9:55-00am: tk
10:01-07am: Los Angeles/ "Eyewitness News"/ ABC/ Taped
10:09-14am: tk
10:15-20am: Philadelphia/ "10AM News"/ NBC/ Live
10:30-35am: Detroit/ "AM News"/ FOX/ Taped
10:36-41am: Portland/ "AM Northwest"/ ABC/ Taped
11:25-30am: St. Louis/ "Today in St. Louis"/ NBC/ Taped

NYC/ WOR-AM/ Taped
June 25 RADIO SATELLITE TOUR- no times supplied
Nat'l/USA Radio/Live
Nat'l/ Metro Networks/ Taped
LA/ KFI-AM/ Taped
Chicago/ WLS-AM/ Live
Philadelphia/ KYW-AM/ Taped
Dallas/ WBAP-AM/ Live
Detroit/ WJR-AM/ Taped
Houston/ KTRH-AM/ Live
Miami/ WIOD-AM/ Taped
Seattle/ KIRO-AM/ Live
San Diego/ KYXY-AM/ Taped
Phoenix/ KTAR-AM/ Live
Pittsburgh/KDKA-AM/ Live
Portland/ KXL-AM/ Taped
Cincinnati/ WLW-AM/ Live
Sacramento/KFBK-AM/ Taped
San Antonio/ WOAI-AM/ Live

For The Dark Tower 5:

Oct. 30 Good Morning America

Oct. 30 Jacob Burns Film Center (Westchester, NY)

May 1 Seattle Times, thriller/fiction summer round-up
May 4 Charleston Gazette, fall preview
May 15 Montgomery Advertiser
June 1 Florida Times Union, summer round-up
June 5 Kansas City Star, fall preview
June 8 Denver Post, fall preview

New Dark Tower editions, Kingdom Hospital production

Posted: June 11, 2003, 00:00
Yesterday I received some copies of the new editions of the first four Dark Tower books. After looking through them I can now confirm the following:

* The introduction is the same in all four books.

* Wizard and Glass (only the trade paperback though) have a part from Wolves of the Calla at the back. It's called Roont and is almost the same as the prologue that is on King's site. The difference is that some rewriting seams to have been done. The first sentence in the prologue on King's site goes:

Tian was blessed (although few farmers would use such a word) with three patches

and the one in Wizard and Glass like this:

Tian was blessed (though few farmers would used such a word) with three patches

Nothing major but no less some changes.

* All books has gotten now subtitles:

The Dark Tower I: The Gunslinger - Resumption
The Dark Tower II: The Drawing of the Three - Renewal
The Dark Tower III: The Waste Lands - Redemption
The Dark Tower IV: Wizard and Glass - Regard

Production of Kingdom Hospital is set to begin on August 11 in Vancouver, Canada.

Wolves of the Calla promo item

Posted: June 5, 2003, 00:00
A promotional item for Wolves of the Calla is now being sold over at eBay. It looks rather cool!

My review for The Complete Guide to the Works of Stephen King in now online.

Harry Potter review, Anthology and I Know What You Need

King will review the upcoming Harry Potter book. King will review it for Entertainment Weekly but he's not getting an advance copy of the book so it will probably be at least July before his review comes out.

Michael Chabon joined forces with the editors of McSweeney's magazine to create McSweeney's Mammoth Treasury of Thrilling Tales, a fiction anthology of stories driven by narrative action. (Edited by Michael Chabon;; unabridged short stories; seven hours and 30 minutes; $17.95; read by Kevin Gray.)

Of the 20 stories in the original print version, eight made this audio compilation by authors Elmore Leonard, Nick Hornby, Stephen King, Michael Crichton, Dave Eggers, Harlan Ellison, Rick Moody and Chabon. Gray assumes a distinct voice for each tale and captures the twists and quirks in these genre pieces.

Thanks to Bev Vincent

Mockingbird Lane has done the song for the Dollar Baby I Know What You Need. The title is Taken Under.

The Devil's Wine

Posted: June 4, 2003, 00:00
Six of King's early poems will be released in a book called The Devil's Wine from Cemetery Dance Publications. The titles are:

* The Dark Man
* Donovan's Brain
* The Hardcase Speaks
* Harrison State Park '68
* Silence
* In the key-chords of dawn...

Here is the press release:



BALTIMORE, MD--June 4, 2003--Cemetery Dance Publications, publisher of the deluxe limited edition of Stephen King's FROM A BUICK 8, is proud to announce THE DEVIL'S WINE, a poetry anthology edited by best-selling author Tom Piccirilli. The contributors include Stephen King, Ray Bradbury, Peter Straub, Graham Masterton, Charles De Lint, Jack Ketchum, Joe Haldeman, Michael Bishop, Jack Cady, Steve Rasnic Tem, Melanie Tem, Peter Crowther, TM Wright, Brian Hodge, Edward Lee, Elizabeth Massie, Jay Bonansinga, and Tamara Thorne.

The Cemetery Dance hardcover is the only planned edition for this title, and many of the nearly 200 poems have never appeared anywhere else. Stephen King's amazing contributions were originally published in small venues during his college years and these publications now resell for thousands of dollars due to their scarcity. The King poems haven't seen print in over 30 years--this is the ONLY time they have ever been reprinted!

A link to the complete table of contents can be found on this page:

THE DEVIL'S WINE will be issued in two unique states: a Trade Hardcover edition for $40 (featuring our usual high-quality, smyth-sewn cloth binding, full-color dustjacket, etc) and a Deluxe Lettered Edition for $250 (featuring a handmade traycase, additional artwork, and completely unique hand-binding--in other words, a completely different book to hold in your hands! Signed by editor Tom Piccirilli and artist Caniglia!).

THE DEVIL'S WINE will be published in October and both editions are now available for pre-order from Cemetery Dance Publications. You may order from the website ( or feel free to call (410-588-5901) or email us ( We expect this title to sell extremely quickly (especially the Lettered Edition), so don't delay!

Retailers and wholesales who haven't previously acquired titles directly from Cemetery Dance will need to call and set-up an account to receive the standard discount: 410-588-5901. Cemetery Dance titles are also distributed by Ingram and Baker & Taylor.

Cemetery Dance Publications
132-B Industry Lane, Unit #7
Forest Hill, MD 21050

Phone: (410) 588-5901 -- 10am to 7pm E.S.T. (Monday to Friday)
Fax: (410) 588-5904 -- 24 Hours A Day


TITLE: The Devil's Wine
EDITOR: Tom Piccirilli
ARTIST: Caniglia
CONTRIBUTING AUTHORS: Stephen King, Ray Bradbury, Peter Straub, Graham Masterton, Charles De Lint, Jack Ketchum, Joe Haldeman, Michael Bishop, Jack Cady, Steve Rasnic Tem, Melanie Tem, Peter Crowther, TM Wright, Brian Hodge, Edward Lee, Elizabeth Massie, Jay Bonansinga, and Tamara Thorne
ISBN: 1-58767-070-4
RELEASE DATE: October 2003
FORMAT: Hardcover

S&S The Dark Tower website

Posted: June 2, 2003, 00:00
Simon & Schuster has made a really cool site for The Dark Tower. It has illustrations from Wolves of the Calla and load of other

Among the other things you can find there is some small tidbits on what happened the year that some of the early books where released and a map from The Dark Tower Concordance. They also have "cover" for Song of Susannah and The Dark Tower. This is probably not the finished once though but just temporary image so that the line of covers will be complete...

Thanks to Morgan Berry.

John Mellencamp works on the musical

Posted: June 1, 2003, 00:00
Today I'm happy to let you know that the latest installment of Needful King's is online. The title is In Which We Change the Way We Do Things, Prove Ourselves Right, and Natter and Grommish on About Things King and...

John Mellencamp will devote his attention this summer to the musical he's making King.

Release dates for The Dark Tower

Posted: May 31, 2003, 00:00
According to the press release that goes out with the review copy of The Gunslinger the release dates for part 5, 6 and 7 are as follows:

Dark Tower V - Nov 4,2003
Dark Tower VI - August 1, 2004
Dark Tower VII - November 1, 2004

The Running Man 2

Posted: May 27, 2003, 16:02
'StraightShooter' has this piece on the sequel which not many were clamoring for: "Basically some of Rodmans sponsors were shown the second draft over February. Karen Craig wrote the script from memory - and its pretty good. Pretty much action-focused, but lots of black humor littered throughout. In this one, a star athlete named Carter Riley is forced to do time on the killer game show when he's wrongly accused of murdering a fellow team mate. There's a really awesome death scene where a fellow contestant gets his just desserts on the show co-host by using her head to fill a mesh net - very neat. Arnold's character, Ben Richards, appears in a scene towards the middle of the film. I think they'll be hard-pressed getting Arnold to do the cameo, but hey you never know. I can't imagine anyone else doing the part, and I doubt they'll work around it because the appearance is integral to the lead characters ultimate victory in that "shadow aid" kind of way. The film is supposed to be shooting in Canada mid-year sometime, no idea of director or other stars. I do know though that they're hoping to put it out theatrically".

Thanks to Dark Horizons.

King promoted Kingdom Hospital

Posted: May 21, 2003, 00:00
Here are two images from ABC 2003 Upfront where King promoted Kingdom Hospital. There is also a new portrait of King online.

There is now some info available about the upcoming episodes of The Dead Zone. It has also been confirmed that are a "never before seen" pilot episode for The Dead Zone that will be available through a bounce back purchase from the season 1 DVD set.

The introductions in the Viking reissue hardcovers of the first four Dark Tower books are all the same.

Thanks to Bev Vincent

The Complete Guide to the Works of Stephen King

Posted: May 20, 2003, 00:00
The Complete Guide to the Works of Stephen King is released today and to celebrate that the authors reveal that they have in fact found 10 additional King's stories that was unknown, until now.

Now you can pre-order the UK edition of Wolves of the Calla.

More Salem's Lot set pictures

Posted: May 18, 2003, 00:00

Today I have more exclusive images from the set of Salem's Lot. These are taken the on the last day of filming in Creswick.

You can also read the latest report from Denis Gatiatullin as well as an article about Salem's Lot from The Age.

Salem's Lot set pictures and Wolves cover

Posted: May 15, 2003, 00:00
Today I have an exclusive report from the set of Salem's Lot including some images from the set. You don't want to miss that!

The cover for the US edition of Wolves of the Calla is now out.

One of the most interesting questions...

Posted: May 14, 2003, 00:00
Scribner published a color scan of the cover for Stephen King's The Dark Tower: A Concordance, Volume I today.

Kingdom Hospital will air on Thursdays at 9:00 p.m., ET, beginning in January 2004.

On August 12th MGM will release the Carrie TV adaptation on DVD. It will be 132-minute long and the disc will be full-frame and will contain a DDS 5.1 surround track.

Thanks to Terry Warrick.

Here is a new
with King about The Dark Tower and his retirement.

One of the most interesting questions King gets is: So will we see any other new Stephen King titles published between June's re-issue of The Gunslinger and The Dark Tower in November, 2004?

King: I have not started a new novel since finishing the Dark Tower novels. This is March. I finished the last one, I think, in October. This would be an ordinary fallow period for me anyway. I have some ideas, but not anything I've started to work on yet. I think the Dark Tower novels will be published and then you might see a period of silence from me that would maybe go from two to five years. But there would definitely be something, I think, unless I should keel over dead.