Children Of The Corn Photos

Posted: May 3, 2021, 15:05
Check out some photos from the new Children of the Corn movie.

No word on when we'll be able to see it yet though.

A smart teenager finds herself trapped in a horrific plot by the young children in her town to murder all their parents and ‘heal the corn.’

Thanks to Herbert West

Firestarter Starts Filming In May

Posted: April 30, 2021, 11:36
Looks like the new adaptation of Firestarter will start filming in late May. Here is what The Hamilton Spectatorreports.

Zac Efron is coming to Hamilton.

The actor probably best known for playing Troy Bolton in the “High School Musical” trilogy from Disney will be in the city to film a remake of “Firestarter.”

Reports say the film from Blumhouse/Universal Studios will also be filmed in Toronto. The phone number for the production company is a Hamilton number. Shooting is expected to run between May 25 and July 21, says the government agency Ontario Creates.

Shining In The Dark Heading To Poland

Posted: April 29, 2021, 13:50
I’m happy and proud to be able to announce that the 14th language that Shining in the Dark will be translated into is Polish. Zysk will release the book in Poland and I can’t wait to let all you Polish readers enjoy all the stories included in the book!

Read more about all the editions here

Contest time!

Posted: April 28, 2021, 16:15
Lilja’s Library is celebration it’s 25th anniversary this year and I’m hoping it will be a year of fun, celebration, and contests!

The first contest is sponsored by Hodder & Stoughton and is open to everyone living in the UK. The prize for one lucky winner is a full set of the first batch of reissued King books (The Shining, Doctor Sleep, Cujo, `Salem’s Lot, Christine and Firestarter).

All you have to do is:

- Follow Lilja’s Library on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or preferable all three.

- In a fun way tell me which of these six books (The Shining, Doctor Sleep, Cujo, `Salem’s Lot, Christine or Firestarter) that’s your favorite. You can do it in text, image, film, song, poem or whatever you think is best. Creativity will be rewarded. Send your entries here (or email to info[a] before May 10. The winner will then be announced on May 11th. Don’t forget to include your address so the prize can be sent if you’re the lucky winner.

Hodder & Stoughton has unveiled an ambitious reissue plan for Stephen King’s entire backlist,
beginning with six classic novels set to be released with stunning new covers on 11th May 2021.
Further groups of titles will be re-launched in 2-3 batches per year, with a total of over 70 books
being revamped between spring 2021 and autumn 2024, culminating with the 50th anniversary of

The books will be grouped into different categories including Chilling Classics, Epic Thrillers and
Reading Group Suspense, helping readers to navigate their way through the extraordinary range and
depth of his body of work, and discover which type of novel will most appeal to them. Each group
will be unified by striking new author brand lettering, and distinguished by a distinct colour palette
and title lettering. The first six titles to be released in May are: The Shining, Doctor Sleep, Cujo,
`Salem’s Lot, Christine and Firestarter.

Gwendy’s Final Task Out February 15

Posted: April 14, 2021, 15:48
Cemeterty Dance released the cover for Gwendy’s Final Task today as well as the release date, February 15, 2022.

When Gwendy Peterson was twelve, a mysterious stranger named Richard Farris gave her a mysterious box for safekeeping. It offered treats and vintage coins, but it was dangerous. Pushing any of its seven colored buttons promised death and destruction.

Years later, the button box entered Gwendy’s life again. A successful novelist and a rising political star, she was once again forced to deal with the temptation that box represented.

Now, evil forces seek to possess the button box and it is up to Senator Gwendy Peterson to keep it from them. At all costs. But where can you hide something from such powerful entities?

In Gwendy’s Final Task, “horror giants” (Publishers Weekly) Stephen King and Richard Chizmar take us on a journey from Castle Rock to another famous cursed Maine city to the MF-1 space station, where Gwendy must execute a secret mission to save the world. And, maybe, all worlds.

Lisey's Story Premiers June 4 On Apple TV+

Posted: April 13, 2021, 20:32
Vanity Fair released the news today that Lisey's Story will premier on June 4.

"I wanted to say something about marriage, about long marriage, and about celebrity and about the side of lives that are public and the sides of lives that are private—and the door between those two worlds.

In that sense, it’s autobiographical, but only in the sense that you take what you know as a framework and then build something that’s totally fictional on that. For one thing, I haven’t died yet, but I did come back from almost dying when I had pneumonia. And they told Tabby, ‘Prepare for the worst.’
King in Vanity Fair

Apperently the show plunges the viewers into the middle of its narrative and expects them to make their own sense of it, even as the characters do the same.

"I don’t want to put anybody off. It’s not a simple story. It’s not a to b to c. You hope that the audience will understand that there are secrets here—there are really big secrets—and hope they’ll stick with the show, find those things, and unravel them. I think everything becomes clear fairly soon."
King in Vanity Fair

Firestarter Remake Starts Filming In June?

Posted: April 13, 2021, 15:44
According to Screen Rant the remake of Firestarter might begin filming this June. The information comes from an interview with producer Akiva Goldsman. Here is what he said:

Firestarter is one of the last great, either unmade or un-remade, Stephen King novels that have become classics. There are things I will never forget from the original movie. But it diverged from the book significantly. So Scott Teems — who is a really wonderful writer — wrote this terrific script which is much closer to the novel in both incident and tone. We start shooting, I want to say, in 12 weeks. Firestarter was always some of Stephen's most intimate and affective horror, and I think pyrokinesis is a really fascinating idea when it comes to the expression of hidden feelings.

Stephen King And Big Corgi Butts...

Posted: April 13, 2021, 10:52
What do Stephen King and big corgi butts have in common? Well, more than you might think. King do have a corgi, The Thing of Evil, and now he has also written a foreword to a book called The Little book of Big Corgi Butts. Get your copy here.

Thanks to Bryant Burnette.

Dollar Baby Festival In April

Posted: April 8, 2021, 16:33
This April 23-25, a selection of Stephen King movies will be available to watch online for free. Hosted by Canadian film production company Barker Street Cinema, the virtual festival, called Stephen King Rules, will screen 25 submissions by filmmakers from all over the world, many of which have never been seen by a global audience before.

Head over to Barker Street Cinema for more info.

Thanks to The Fire Wire

Hodder To Reissue King's Entire Backlist

Posted: March 18, 2021, 12:41
Hodder & Stoughton reveales that they will release King's entire backlist with a new look between now and the fall of 2024. Devided in 2 - 3 batches per year all will culminate with the 50th annerversay of Carrie. Hodder will then have released over 70 books with this new look.

The books will be grouped into different categories including Chilling Classics, Epic Thrillers and
Reading Group Suspense, helping readers to navigate their way through the extraordinary range and
depth of King's body of work, and discover which type of novel will most appeal to them. Each group
will be unified by striking new author brand lettering, and distinguished by a distinct colour palette
and title lettering.

The first six titles to be released in May are: Christine, Cujo, Doctor Sleep, Firestarter, `Salem’s Lot and The Shining.

King Translated Into Kazakh

Posted: March 17, 2021, 22:41
As most of you know I love books in different languages and their covers. I also collect one book in each language King’s book have been published which is 54 languages so far (including Braille). Read more about the languages here.

Now I’m happy to let you know that language 55 is on its way. Foliant in Kazakhstan will release two of King’s books in Kazakh this summer if everything goes as planned.

Celebrate Independent Bookstores In The Tall Grass

Posted: March 15, 2021, 08:24
In the Tall Grass, originally published by Esquire magazine (and as a film on Netflix), will now be released as a 5×7 bound paperback. The book be will released on April 24th, cost $12.99 and celebrate Independent Bookstore Day.

Independent Bookstore Day is a one-day national party that takes place at indie bookstores across the US on the last Saturday in April.

The only way to get this book is to visit a local Independent Bookstore!

Source: Fire Wire

The Talisman Coming To Netflix?

Posted: March 5, 2021, 23:52
Looks like Spielberg is trying one more time to bring The Talisman to the screen, this time as a series. Here is what The Hollywood Reporter say:

Now, Talisman may finally be ready to reach screens but, as befits the times, as a series.

And, as it sometimes takes a village to raise a project, Spielberg has assembled some mighty collaborators to help him make the adaptation a reality.

The Duffer Brothers, whose own Stranger Things owes more than a few debts to King’s work, will executive produce a series adapting the book, that will be produced by Netflix in association with Spielberg’s Amblin Television and Paramount Television Studios.

Curtis Gwinn, who worked as a writer-exec producer on Duffers’ Stranger Things, will act as writer and showrunner of the project, which is in development. With deals still being sewn up and in negotiations, Netflix and the production parties involved had no comment.

Fans Get Later

Posted: March 5, 2021, 12:03
Stephen King’s Later, is out and you know what that means…

I want to put together a page with photos of you all and your copy of Later. All you need to do is send me a photo (this should open an email but if it doesn’t, send the photo to info[a] of yourself and the book (any edition works) and I’ll post them here. If you don’t want to send it by email you can also post it on the facebook page and I’ll grab it there. I would also like to ask you to include your name, town and country so that I can list that with the photo. You can see what it will look like at the Mr Mercedes page, the Revival page, the Finders Keepers page, Bazzar of Bad Dreams page, End of Watch page, Charlie the Choo Choo page, Gwendy’s Button Box page, Sleeping Beauties Book page, Outsider Book page or the If it Bleeds Book page.

Check out all Later photos here.

Let's get those photos collected! Some of you are even on all pages, GOOD WORK!

My thoughts On Later

Posted: March 2, 2021, 09:54
Today Later is released and here are my thoughts about the book.

Later is a nice little book with quite few characters for a King book but as usual they are what carries the story forward. And the story is an interesting one. It might sound like something you have read or seen before but not quite with this twist that King has put upon it.

Elevation As A Feature Film?

Posted: February 26, 2021, 18:30
Jack Bender who’s done Under The Dome, Mr. Mercedes, and The Outsider is turning Elevation into a movie. Here is what he says about it:

He is very generous about that when it works. I've recently adapted a book of his called Elevation, which we're going to make into a film. And I invented some stuff and added, and was nervous because he'd never read anything I've written, only directed and produced. And needless to say I was nervous about it, but he loved it. He's very gracious, and he knows that when we make a TV show, there's going to be stuff added stuff taken away; that's just the way it goes.

Time To Slaughter Pet Sematary Once Again?

Posted: February 25, 2021, 01:19
In 2019 Kevin Kölsch and Dennis Widmyer slaughtered Pet Sematary and now it’s time to do it again. It’s Paramount’s streaming service Paramount+ who’s planing a new movie. The new installment in the franchise will be an “origins story”. Jeff Buhler, who wrote the 2019 adaptation, is also writing this new movie [sigh] and even though there are no word yet on plot details, the film will presumably tell a new story set within the world of King‘s Pet Sematary [sigh, sigh].

All I can say is: WHY?

Thanks to Herbert West.

Keith Thomas Talks Firestarter Remake

Posted: February 24, 2021, 23:59
Keith Thomas talked to about his upcoming remake of Firestarter and it looks like it will be a bit different than the original.

“It’s something I’ve thought a lot about. And, certainly, when [Firestarter] first came to me, I was very lucky in that the script by Scott Teems, who wrote the upcoming Halloween Kills, was just very, very good, and very rich. The material itself isn’t different, right? I mean, it’s the same book that this film is drawing from, the one the earlier film did. But what we’re leaning into from the book is different. That’s the angle where you can do something. So, for me, it was really leaning into more emotional aspects. It was leaning into parenthood and what that looks like, and then, how do you raise a child, especially a child with abilities like this. That was the place the script went and I thought that it was something that’s a little different than the original film.”

“Also, the book’s super-rich. There’s a lot of stuff that’s in the book that isn’t in the original film. There’s stuff in there that we’re using, that we’re going into. At the same time, I feel like, just for me, in terms of the films I’m interested in, I feel like there’s a visceral quality to the story that I didn’t see in the ’80s version, a rawness that I think is there in the book, that I certainly felt, that I’m really interested in diving into. And, luckily, I think everybody else involved feels the same way, that this is going to be … not only will it have the effects and you’re going to get to see all the stuff Charlie can do, which is fun, and cool, and exciting, but if we do it right, it’s not so much as dark as The Vigil, but you should come out of it emotionally. If you do it right, it’s going to really hit that way.”

“The screenplay is by Scott Teems who wrote the upcoming Halloween Kills, it’s an amazing script. It has everything you would want; people’s heads catching fire and their faces melting off, and a dad and daughter on the run trying to survive being chased in this heightened tense experience.”

The Jaunt To Be Developed For MRC Television

Posted: February 24, 2021, 22:54
Dave Erickson (Fear The Walking Dead) has closed an overall deal with MRC Television. Erickson will exclusively work with the studio on the creation and development of television series on which he will serve as writer-showrunner or supervise other writers.

As part of the deal, Erickson is developing The Jaunt, based on King's 1981 Stephen King short story.

Now I Make My Stand

Posted: February 24, 2021, 12:09
Here are my thoughts on The Stand.

The show is good and well worth seeing but not the masterpiece I was hoping for. Oh, and they should have spent the time and money needed to create the Lincoln tunnel scene. The sewers are very flat in comparing and not scary at all if you ask me.

The Cast Of Lisey's Story

Posted: February 23, 2021, 11:49

Here is the main cast of Lisey's Story listed by Apple TV+.

Julianne Moore as Lisey Landon
Clive Owen as Scott Landon
Jennifer Jason Leigh as Darla
Joan Allen as Amanda
Dane DeHaan as Jim Dooley
Ron Cephas Jones as Professor Dashmiel
Sung Kang as Officer Dan Beckman.

King On Tiny Horrors

Posted: February 23, 2021, 10:35
On Friday, during a panel for the upcoming Apple TV+ series Lisey’s Story, King mentioned that he and J.J. Abrams is talking about creating a horror anthology series.

“I talked with JJ Abrams a lot about a possible anthology series of tiny horrors,” King said. “We got really down and dirty about it and talked about things that were really, really scary.”

New Adaptation Of The Running Man

Posted: February 20, 2021, 01:57
Paramount Pictures is making a deal with Edgar Wright to direct a new adaptation of The Running Man. This won’t be a remake of the 1987 film with Arnold Schwarzenegger though. This time they will be much more faithful to King’s book. Michael Bacall will write the script and Simon Kinberg will produce.

Lisey's Story Coming To Apple TV+ This Summer

Posted: February 19, 2021, 23:57
Lisey's Story is finally coming to the small screen. In this "Spring 2021 + More" preview there is a short clip from it.

Julianne Moore and Clive Owen are the stars of a small screen adaptation of Stephen King‘s Lisey’s Story that’s coming to Apple TV+, with Moore playing the title character and Owen co-starring as her late husband. Dane Dehaan, Joan Allen, and Sung Kang will also star.

The 8-hour limited series is written by King, who will also executive produce. J.J. Abrams is on board to produce through Bad Robot Productions.

The Ten O’Clock People For TV

Posted: February 18, 2021, 16:31
Deadline reports that new company Fabel will develop an TV series based on King's story The Ten O’Clock People.

The new company is also soon to go out with a TV take on The Ten O’Clock People, Stephen King’s short story about a group of people in authority who are monsters disguised as people.

Thanks to Bryant Burnette.

Hard Case Crime Box Set

Posted: February 17, 2021, 15:50
Hard Case Crime is releasing a set of their three King books in September. The set will be in a slipcase and contain all three books by King, The Colorado Kid, Joyland and Later.

The set will also include three exclusive art cards showing a variant cover of each book – the original Glen Orbik cover for The Colorado Kid, the Robert McGinnis limited-edition hardcover cover for Joyland and the Greg Manchess limited-edition hardcover cover for Later.

The set will be released on September 14 but you can pre-order your set over at

My Interview With Angelina Kekich About The Stand

Posted: February 16, 2021, 08:06
Last week I got a chance to talk to Angelina Kekich who was the costume designer on The Stand. We talked about all the clothes that was created for the show and how they were created. We also talked about how they had to create several versions of Flagg's jacket and how it happened that Tom is wearing a Dolly Parton t-shirt. Here is what she had to say.

Concept illustration: Randall Flagg

Concept illustration: Mother Abagail

Concept illustration: Trachcan Man

Concept illustration: Nadine Cross

Celebrate Our 25-Year Anniversary With Marv

Posted: February 15, 2021, 11:08
Meet Marv as you have never seen him before. Followers of Lilja’s Library already know him as Marv – The Library Policeman, the site’s mascot and he is here to welcome you to celebrate Lilja’s Library’s 25-year anniversary all through 2021!

But let me warn you. As the Library Policeman he is he demands attention and silence and if you don’t give him what he wants he might use his trusty pliers to expand his necklace with your tongue…
Marv is done by the very talented Vincent Chong

My Interview With Aaron Haye About The Stand

Posted: February 15, 2021, 08:02
Last week I got a chance to talk to Aaron Haye who was the production designer on The Stand. We talked about how the set was built, what it means to be a production designer and what hurdles they had to face each day to make the set look just as it should. Here is what he had to say.

Concept photo of Flagg’s room in Las Vegas.

Concept photo of Stu’s room at the underground facility.

The set where Stu fell and broke his leg.

Rainbird Cast In New Firestarter Movie

Posted: February 11, 2021, 10:35
The remake of Firestarter if moving along.

Michael Greyeyes has been cast as Rainbird and the project is currently in the works from Universal Pictures, Blumhouse Productions and Weed Road Pictures.

What do you say? Do you want a new Firestarter movie?