It’s contest time and this time it’s something quite different you can win. Hodder & Stoughton has an extra Moth from the promotion of the book Sleeping Beauties by Stephen and Owen King that they will send to the winner.
All you have to do to enter is answer these three questions and you need to do it before May 3 (the book is not included in the prize).
You can also buy the new paperback edition of Sleeping Beautieshere.
It's September 26, 2017. The day Stephen and Owen's book, Sleeping Beauties, is released. It's also the day they kick off their promotion tour for the book in New York. And I'm there, right in New York ready to see The King’s.
The day starts early as I’m jetlagged and wakes up at 3AM. I make the most of the time I have in New York though so after a shower and breakfast I head down to the studio where they are filming Good Morning American. Since I only found out that Stephen and Owen would be guests on the show the day before all the tickets are gone. I’m not too bummed out about that though since their segment will only be a couple of minutes and the rest of the 2 hour show isn’t that interesting to be honest. I find it more fun to stand outside with a lot of other fans and professional photographers watching the stars come and go. This particular day Harrison Ford and Kate Winslet are also guests and a lot of their fans are also present.
Video: Lilja
The evening’s event (and the reason I’m here) starts at 7PM but people are starting to line up hours in advance outside St. Ann’s and the Holy Trinity Church. The church didn’t have assigned seating so it's first come first served. So, if you want front row seats you need to be there early. And normally I would have been there really early but not this time. Why? Well, I had the good fortune to be granted a visit backstage to say "Hi" to Stephen and Owen. And what is a front row seat compared to that? Right, nothing.
So I arrive around 6:15 and 6:30 I'm let in through the side door of this old church to meet Stephen King. I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous but once I shake his hand that all falls away. He is such a nice man, asking me how I like New York and if I'm jetlagged. We chat a bit and then I ask if he would sign my copy of Sleeping Beauties that I brought (the ones included in the event weren’t being distributed until after the event). He didn't mind and dedicated it to me and then said "I'll get Owen to sign it as well". And Owen didn't just sign it, he actually drew a moth in the book, how cool is that?
Photo left: Marsha DeFilippo, Photo right: Stephen King
While Owen is doing this I noticed another familiar face. Peter Straub who with Stephen wrote The Talisman and Black House is sitting right beside Owen. And I can't resist introducing myself (Peter and I have spoken through emails earlier) and shake his hand. Then Stephen King takes a photo of me and Peter Straub. How cool is that? And after that he also takes a photo of me and Owen (I really put Stephen to work). After that it's time for the Kings to get ready for the reading and me to move into the church.
Photo: Stephen King
When I arrive the seats in the front half of the church are all taken but I noticed a lot of people are sitting up on the balcony so I go up there and manage to find a seat in the front row, just to the left of some electrical equipment (part of the sound system I think) but who cares. The seat is perfect and I have a great view over where Stephen and Owen sit.
Photo: Lilja
The event is introduced by Emma Straub (who also introduced her father, the audience cheered) and then the Kings enter the stage a few minutes after 7. The simplicity of the stage is very promising. It's just the Kings in two chairs and two large posters of the book cover. What's about to happen is all going to have to be done by Stephen and Owen. And they deliver, man do they deliver.
Video: Lilja
Each of them read a part from the book, Owen about the fox and Stephen about a meeting the men have at a bar. And while they read it struck me how good they are at reading out loud. Not everyone pulls that of but both Stephen and Owen could have a career narrating books if they ever get tired of writing them.
They have each prepared a few questions for each other without the other one knowing the questions beforehand. This generates an interesting and spontaneous discussion between the two of them. The questions include "What was it like to collaborate on the book?", Owen tells how he used to freeze his GI Joes and how they together created a GI Joe. Stephen asked Owen to tell us what child labor he was forced to do as a kid and Owen told us how he recorded books for his father when he was young. Owen then asked Stephen how he manages to keep all his characters different from each other and not repeating them.
Photo: Lilja
The event ended with pre sent in questions from the audience. Do they still doubt themselves even though they are now successful? Did they ask their wives for input on the female characters in Sleeping Beauties (King told a great story about his mother in law) and who they think would be best to play Stephen in a movie about him. Owen said Bill Hader from SNL.
Photo: Lilja
With that the event was over. The Kings left the stage and the rest of us (pretty warm and sweaty since the church was hotter than a sauna) started queuing for our book. You gave the person giving out books the wristband you got when you entered the church and in return you got a book. Once outside you could hear spontaneous cheers when someone opened their book and found two signatures inside. I opened mine and was happy to see that I had gotten a signed copy of the book.
Photo: Lilja
Later that night as I was in a cab on my way back to my hotel I tried to summarize the evening in my head but it was hard to grasp everything that had happened. Had I really shook Stephen, Owen and Peter's hands? And gotten my photo taken with them (most of the photos taken by Stephen himself)? Yes I had. All I had to do was pick up my phone and the photos were there. And the books, one personalized by Stephen and Owen and the other one signed by them. It was true, it had happened and it had been a truly great evening.
Photo: Stephen King
Another thing that was really great about the evening was that I got to shake Marsha DeFilippo's hand. She is Stephen's assistant that has endured me for over 20 years. She has supported me and helped me more than I can even describe in words. This evening I got the shake her hand and say thanks. That meant a lot to me! Thanks again Marsha!
I also want to thank everyone who supported the Crowdfunding that made this possible. I couldn’t have done it without your help and support! I know who you are and you know who you are! Thanks!
A summary of Stephen & Owen’s signings for Sleeping Beauties.
Dates, info and photos:
September 26th, 2017 - New York City (SOLD OUT!) Place: St. Ann’s and the Holy Trinity Church
Time: 7pm
Capacity: 700
Photo by: Lilja
September 27th, 2017 - Hudson Valley, NY Area (SOLD OUT!) Place: Fisher Center, Sosnoff Theater
Time: 7pm
Capacity: 900
Photo by: John Meore
September 28th, 2017 - Newton Centre, MA (SOLD OUT!) Place: Newtonville Books
Time: 7pm
Capacity: 700
Photo by: Heather19
September 29th, 2017 - Chicago, IL (SOLD OUT!) Place: Residence Hall/Recreation Center on campus @ North Central College
Time: 7pm
Capacity: 3300
Photo by: Halle Olson
September 30th, 2017 - Milwaukee, WI (SOLD OUT!) Place: The Riverside Theater
Time: 8pm
Capacity: 2400
Photo by: bdwyer19
October 1st, 2017 - St. Louis, MO (SOLD OUT!) Place: J. Scheidegger Center for the Arts at Lindenwood University
Time: 7pm
Capacity: 1200
Photo by: C1TIZEN_X
October 3rd, 2017 - Portland, OR (SOLD OUT!) Newmark Theatre
Time: 7:30pm
Capacity: 922
Photo by: TacomaDiver
October 5th, 2017 - Toronto, ON, Canada (SOLD OUT!) Koerner Hall, at the TELUS Centre for Performance and Learning
Time: 7pm
Capacity: 1200
Photo by: unknown
October 6th, 2017 - Sarasota, FL (SOLD OUT!) Selby Public Library
Time: 6:30pm
Capacity: 400
Photo by: Unknown
Stephen and Owen’s collaboration, Sleeping Beauties, is out and you know what that means…
I want to put together a page with photos of you all and your copy of Sleeping Beauties. All you need to do is send me a photo (this should open an email but if it doesn’t, send the photo to info[a] of yourself and the book (any edition works) and I’ll post them here. If you don’t want to send it by email you can also post it on the facebook page and I’ll grab it there. I would also like to ask you to include your name, town and country so that I can list that with the photo. You can see what it will look like at the Mr Mercedes page, the Revival page, the Finders Keepers page, Bazzar of Bad Dreams page, End of Watch page, Charlie the Choo Choo page or the Gwendy’s Button Box page.
Some in the audience at Stephen & Owen's stop in Milwaukee reported that Stephen revealed that he has a new book done that's to be released in June called The Outsider. Stephen said it was about some southwest gentleman committing some murders. He also said there would be a character we would recognize...
Please note that this (specially the release date) is unconfirmed news.
Today was the first reading on Stephen and Owen's tour to promote Sleeping Beauties and while I will write a longer article about it I wanted to tell you about some things that happened during the event.
Stephen and Owen each read a part from Sleeping Beauties and then asked eachother questions. The event then ended with questions for the audience. Nothing was revealed about the next book.
I also got a chance of saying "Hi" to Stephen and Owen before the event.
And special guest Peter Straub was in the audience...and no, that dosn't mean they are working on The Talisman 3.
Today is the release day for Sleeping Beauties by Stephen and Owen King. It’s also the start of their tour to promote the book.
I got a chance to talk to Owen about the book and how he and Stephen wrote it. You can see what he had to say here.
The genesis was just a one sentence pitch that I made to my dad: "What if all the women in the world fell asleep?" I wanted him to take the idea and run with it. The notion struck me as one that you could make a hell of a disturbing meal out of, and that's kind of his specialty, whereas most of my own writing to that point had been pretty mainstream. He was very insistent that I should write it, though. Eventually, we compromised and wrote it together.
Today is the release day for Sleeping Beauties by Stephen and Owen King. It’s also the start of their tour to promote the book. I have read the book and you can check out my review here. Sleeping Beauties is a great book. A great collaboration and it shows that both Stephen and Owen are great writers (as if anyone doubted it) and have the ability to draw characters that you care about, both good and evil.
Here is an interview I did with Federico Bebber who did the cover art for Sleeping Beauties.
The actual illustration is a modified version of something I created almost four years ago. I was contacted by who created the composition. As a long time King fan, I was totally flattered and excited. A dream come true!
Waterstone is selling a beautiful edition of Sleeping Beauties, limited to 250 copies, signed by both the authors, with deluxe binding, slipcase and coloured endpapers available exclusively through Waterstones.
One week from today Stephen and Owen starts their Sleeping Beauties tour in New York. I will be there and I hope a lot of you are as well. Until then there is now a new excerpt from the book that you can check out. It's available both in text and audio format. Check it out here.
News about Stephen & Owen’s signings for Sleeping Beauties are starting to come in and here I will list news as they come in.
Here are all the dates and info (more to come):
September 26th, 2017 - New York City (SOLD OUT!) Place: St. Ann’s and the Holy Trinity Church
Time: Doors 6:15pm // Show 7pm
Tickets: On sale July 10 12:00 PM EDT
Price: $41.87 Link
September 27th, 2017 - Hudson Valley, NY Area (SOLD OUT!) Place: Fisher Center, Sosnoff Theater
Time: Show 7pm
Tickets: Oblong Subscribers June 14, On sale June 19
Price: $40.00 Link
September 28th, 2017 - Newton Centre, MA (SOLD OUT!) Place: Newtonville Books
Time: Doors 6pm // Show 7pm
Tickets: Now
Price: $35.00 ($37.22 w/service fee) Link September 29th, 2017 - Chicago, IL Place: Residence Hall/Recreation Center on campus @ North Central College
Time: Show 7pm
Tickets: On sale June 27
Price: $40 Link
September 30th, 2017 - Milwaukee, WI (SOLD OUT!) Place: The Riverside Theater
Time: Doors 7pm // Show 8pm
Tickets: Pre-sale June 14, On sale June 16
Price: $32.50, not including tax and fees Link
October 1st, 2017 - St. Louis, MO (SOLD OUT!) Place: J. Scheidegger Center for the Arts at Lindenwood University
Time: Show 7pm
Tickets: June 19
Price: $40, including tax and fees Link
October 2nd, 2017 - Missoula, MT (SOLD OUT!) Dennison Theatre
Time: Show 7:30pm
Tickets: August 4
Price: $42.39, including fees Link
October 3rd, 2017 - Portland, OR (SOLD OUT!) Newmark Theatre
Time: Show 7:30pm
Tickets: August 14
Price: $33.50 Link
October 5th, 2017 - Toronto, ON, Canada (SOLD OUT!) Koerner Hall, at the TELUS Centre for Performance and Learning
Time: Show 7pm
Tickets: August 4
Price: 50 CDN Link
October 6th, 2017 - Sarasota, FL (SOLD OUT!) Selby Public Library
Time: Show 6:30pm
Tickets: August 25
Price: $32.50 Link
On the first print run of the UK edition of Sleeping Beauties there will be four versions of the cover. On the book itself (under the dustjacket) there will be either a tiger, a snake, a moth or a fox. But be quick if you want all four. It’s just the first print run that will have all four.
Lurking behind the dust jacket on the first UK hardback print run of Sleeping Beauties you’ll find four hidden covers printed on the board, featuring beautiful foiled animal illustrations.
If you’re ordering online the one you receive will be random, or you can head to your local bookstore and seek out your favourite. Look out for the sticker on the cover of the first print run.
News about Stephen & Owen’s signings for Sleeping Beauties are starting to come in and here I will list news as they come in.
Here are all the dates and info (more to come):
September 26th, 2017 - New York City (SOLD OUT!) Place: St. Ann’s and the Holy Trinity Church
Time: Doors 6:15pm // Show 7pm
Tickets: On sale July 10 12:00 PM EDT
Price: $41.87 Link
September 27th, 2017 - Hudson Valley, NY Area (SOLD OUT!) Place: Fisher Center, Sosnoff Theater
Time: Show 7pm
Tickets: Oblong Subscribers June 14, On sale June 19
Price: $40.00 Link
September 28th, 2017 - Newton Centre, MA (SOLD OUT!) Place: Newtonville Books
Time: Doors 6pm // Show 7pm
Tickets: Now
Price: $35.00 ($37.22 w/service fee) Link September 29th, 2017 - Chicago, IL Place: Residence Hall/Recreation Center on campus @ North Central College
Time: Show 7pm
Tickets: On sale June 27
Price: $40 Link
September 30th, 2017 - Milwaukee, WI (SOLD OUT!) Place: The Riverside Theater
Time: Doors 7pm // Show 8pm
Tickets: Pre-sale June 14, On sale June 16
Price: $32.50, not including tax and fees Link
October 1st, 2017 - St. Louis, MO (SOLD OUT!) Place: J. Scheidegger Center for the Arts at Lindenwood University
Time: Show 7pm
Tickets: June 19
Price: $40, including tax and fees Link
October 2nd, 2017 - Missoula, MT (SOLD OUT!) Dennison Theatre
Time: Show 7:30pm
Tickets: August 4
Price: $42.39, including fees Link
October 3rd, 2017 - Portland, OR (SOLD OUT!) Newmark Theatre
Time: Show 7:30pm
Tickets: August 14
Price: $33.50 Link
October 5th, 2017 - Toronto, ON, Canada (SOLD OUT!) Koerner Hall, at the TELUS Centre for Performance and Learning
Time: Show 7pm
Tickets: August 4
Price: 50 CDN Link
News about Stephen & Owen’s signings for Sleeping Beauties are starting to come in and here I will list news as they come in.
Here are all the dates and info (more to come):
September 26th, 2017 - New York City (SOLD OUT!) Place: St. Ann’s and the Holy Trinity Church
Time: Doors 6:15pm // Show 7pm
Tickets: On sale July 10 12:00 PM EDT
Price: $41.87 Link
September 27th, 2017 - Hudson Valley, NY Area (SOLD OUT!) Place: Fisher Center, Sosnoff Theater
Time: Show 7pm
Tickets: Oblong Subscribers June 14, On sale June 19
Price: $40.00 Link
September 28th, 2017 - Newton Centre, MA (SOLD OUT!) Place: Newtonville Books
Time: Doors 6pm // Show 7pm
Tickets: Now
Price: $35.00 ($37.22 w/service fee) Link September 29th, 2017 - Chicago, IL Place: Residence Hall/Recreation Center on campus @ North Central College
Time: Show 7pm
Tickets: On sale June 27
Price: $40 Link
September 30th, 2017 - Milwaukee, WI (SOLD OUT!) Place: The Riverside Theater
Time: Doors 7pm // Show 8pm
Tickets: Pre-sale June 14, On sale June 16
Price: $32.50, not including tax and fees Link
October 1st, 2017 - St. Louis, MO (SOLD OUT!) Place: J. Scheidegger Center for the Arts at Lindenwood University
Time: Show 7pm
Tickets: June 19
Price: $40, including tax and fees Link
October 2nd, 2017 - Missoula, MT Dennison Theatre
Time: Show 7:30pm
Tickets: August 4
Price: $42.39, including fees Link
October 3rd, 2017 - Portland, OR TBA
October 5th, 2017 - Toronto, ON, Canada Koerner Hall, at the TELUS Centre for Performance and Learning
Time: Show 7pm
Tickets: August 4
Price: 50 CDN Link
News about Stephen & Owen’s signings for Sleeping Beauties are starting to come in and here I will list news as they come in.
Here are all the dates and info (more to come):
September 26th, 2017 - New York City (SOLD OUT!) Place: St. Ann’s and the Holy Trinity Church
Time: Doors 6:15pm // Show 7pm
Tickets: On sale July 10 12:00 PM EDT
Price: $41.87 Link
September 27th, 2017 - Hudson Valley, NY Area (SOLD OUT!) Place: Fisher Center, Sosnoff Theater
Time: Show 7pm
Tickets: Oblong Subscribers June 14, On sale June 19
Price: $40.00 Link
September 28th, 2017 - Newton Centre, MA (SOLD OUT!) Place: Newtonville Books
Time: Doors 6pm // Show 7pm
Tickets: Now
Price: $35.00 ($37.22 w/service fee) Link September 29th, 2017 - Chicago, IL Place: Residence Hall/Recreation Center on campus @ North Central College
Time: Show 7pm
Tickets: On sale June 27
Price: $40 Link
September 30th, 2017 - Milwaukee, WI (SOLD OUT!) Place: The Riverside Theater
Time: Doors 7pm // Show 8pm
Tickets: Pre-sale June 14, On sale June 16
Price: $32.50, not including tax and fees Link
October 1st, 2017 - St. Louis, MO (SOLD OUT!) Place: J. Scheidegger Center for the Arts at Lindenwood University
Time: Show 7pm
Tickets: June 19
Price: $40, including tax and fees Link
October 2nd, 2017 - Missoula, MT Dennison Theatre
Time: Show 7:30pm
Tickets: August 4
Price: $42.39, including fees Link
News about Stephen & Owen’s signings for Sleeping Beauties are starting to come in and here I will list news as they come in.
Here are all the dates and info (more to come):
September 26th, 2017 - New York City Place: St. Ann’s and the Holy Trinity Church
Time: Doors 6:15pm // Show 7pm
Tickets: On sale July 10 12:00 PM EDT
Price: $41.87 Link
September 27th, 2017 - Hudson Valley, NY Area (SOLD OUT!) Place: Fisher Center, Sosnoff Theater
Time: Show 7pm
Tickets: Oblong Subscribers June 14, On sale June 19
Price: $40.00 Link
September 28th, 2017 - Newton Centre, MA (SOLD OUT!) Place: Newtonville Books
Time: Doors 6pm // Show 7pm
Tickets: Now
Price: $35.00 ($37.22 w/service fee) Link September 29th, 2017 - Chicago, IL Place: Residence Hall/Recreation Center on campus @ North Central College
Time: Show 7pm
Tickets: On sale June 27
Price: $40 Link
September 30th, 2017 - Milwaukee, WI (SOLD OUT!) Place: The Riverside Theater
Time: Doors 7pm // Show 8pm
Tickets: Pre-sale June 14, On sale June 16
Price: $32.50, not including tax and fees Link
October 1st, 2017 - St. Louis, MO (SOLD OUT!) Place: J. Scheidegger Center for the Arts at Lindenwood University
Time: Show 7pm
Tickets: June 19
Price: $40, including tax and fees Link
News about Stephen & Owen’s signings for Sleeping Beauties are starting to come in and here I will list news as they come in. Here are all the dates and info (more to come):
September 26th, 2017 - New York City TBA
September 27th, 2017 - Hudson Valley, NY Area Place: Fisher Center, Sosnoff Theater
Time: Show 7pm
Tickets: Oblong Subscribers June 14, On sale June 19
Price: $40.00 Link
September 28th, 2017 - Newton Centre, MA (SOLD OUT!) Place: Newtonville Books
Time: Doors 6pm // Show 7pm
Tickets: Now
Price: $35.00 ($37.22 w/service fee) Link September 29th, 2017 - Chicago, IL TBA
September 30th, 2017 - Milwaukee, WI Place: The Riverside Theater
Time: Doors 7pm // Show 8pm
Tickets: Pre-sale June 14, On sale June 16
Price: $32.50, not including tax and fees Link
October 1st, 2017 - St. Louis, MO Place: J. Scheidegger Center for the Arts at Lindenwood University
Time: Show 7pm
Tickets: June 19
Price: $40, including tax and fees Link
News about Stephen & Owen’s signings for Sleeping Beauties are starting to come in and here I will list news as they come in. Here are all the dates and info (more to come):
September 26th, 2017 - New York City TBA
September 27th, 2017 - Hudson Valley, NY Area TBA
September 28th, 2017 - Boston, MA Area TBA
September 29th, 2017 - Chicago, IL TBA
September 30th, 2017 - Milwaukee, WI Place: The Riverside Theater
Time: Doors 7pm // Show 8pm
Tickets: Pre-sale June 14, On sale June 16 Link October 1st, 2017 - St. Louis, MO TBA
When asked if there would be pre-signed books at the Sleeping Beauties tour stops or if Stephen and Owen would be signing “live” the moderator on King’s board said:
No signings on this tour.
That probably means there will be pre-signed books given out at random to those who attend. Last tour there were about 400 at each stop.
Also, closing in on the half-way-mark now and so far, it looks like I’ll be attending one stop at the tour. A huge thanks to everyone who has donated!
Here are all the dates:
September 26th, 2017 - New York City
September 27th, 2017 - Hudson Valley, NY Area
September 28th, 2017 - Boston, MA Area
September 29th, 2017 - Chicago, IL
September 30th, 2017 - Milwaukee, WI
October 1st, 2017 - St. Louis, MO
October 2nd, 2017 - Missoula, MT
October 3rd, 2017 - Portland, OR
October 5th, 2017 - Toronto, ON, Canada
October 6th, 2017 - Sarasota, FL
Here are the Cemetery Dance covers for Sleeping Beauties. The Gift Edition cover (the one with the fox) and Limited Edition cover (the one with the moth).
Here is a list of cities that Stephen and Owen will visit on their Sleeping Beauties book tour.
September 26th, 2017: New York City
September 27th, 2017: Hudson Valley, NY Area
September 28th, 2017: Boston, MA Area
September 29th, 2017: Chicago, IL
September 30th, 2017: Milwaukee, WI
October 1st, 2017: St. Louis, MO
October 2nd, 2017: Missoula, MT
October 3rd, 2017: Portland, OR
October 5th, 2017: Toronto, ON, Canada
October 6th, 2017: Sarasota, FL