Haven - Episode 6
Posted: September 24, 2010
Category: Movies

Since this is a TV show though there aren't that much blood to be found here and even though I understand that this has to be I wouldn't have minded a little more of it here. The plot is a bit twisted and I admit that I like it and when we find out what's terrorizing the town it's a rather nice twist.
Duke Crocker is missing from this episode but at this point I don't miss him that much. The character doesn’t have a lot to do with the plot of this episode and because of that he isn’t really missed. One interesting thing though is that Nathan finds a love interest that isn't Audrey. We'll see where that leads him.

Some thoughts on the script…
For this episode’s script I focused on some of the descriptions of the characters we meet. In the script they are described so the actor or actress knows how the character should be played. In this script I found some interesting descriptions. Here are three of them:
Nathan and Audrey talk to the club manager, TOBIAS GILLESPIE (28, this is his dream job).
I guess this tells the actor he should be happy…
SUSANNA DONNELLY (26, bleach-blonde trophy wife... of course) stands outside the garage with Audrey and Nathan. She looks shell-shocked.
We all know what Susan should look like, right?
JESS MINION (27, model-gorgeous, dressed for farm work) comes out to meet them. There's an edge to her, an unsettling directness. Could be charming. Could be a bitch.
“Could be charming. Could be a bitch.” Talk about split personalities. Not easy to play her I imagine.
Lilja's final words about Haven - Episode 6:
I like this episode, it's cleverly written and the plot is well crafted but unfortunately it doesn’t give us any clues about The Colorado Kid.