Christine - Collector car
Posted: March 3, 2005
Category: Collectables

The car even have working headlight, yeah you heard me; there is a little button on the bottom of the car where you can turn it on. Looks really scary in a dark room… You can also open the hood, the trunk and the doors. Inside there are detailed interiors as well as steering wheel and gas and break pedals. You can also move the front wheels and push the back of the front seat forward to make it easier to get in the backseat…if your small enough that is. The car is only 11.5" long.
As far as I know it’s pretty unusual that stuff like this are made from King’s books. There aren’t (to the best of my knowledge) any Pennywise action figures or cuddly Cujo’s dolls out there. I know that there is a much smaller Christine model and some clay models of Jack Torrance, Pennywise, Carrie and other characters from King’s books but this one is the coolest one I have seen so far.

If you want you can play with this car as with any other toy car. Personally I think it’s meant at a collector’s item and not a toy though. In other words, my 1-year-old son is not aloud to play with it.
Lilja's final words about Christine - Collector car:
So, if you can afford it this is a really cool collectors item and if you can’t you’re missing out.