We Have A Winner!

Posted: October 22, 2024, 15:40
OK, the contest is over, and this one might have been the hardest I’ve had so far. It seems a lot of you misread the question.

The question was this:

King’s first and last book during his 50-year long publishing period (April 1974 and April 2024) have something in common. What is it and what are the titles of these two books?

If we break down the question, we get this:

The timeline for the question: King’s 50-year long publishing period (April 1974 and April 2024). This has nothing to do with any specific book. It’s the time for his first 50-years as a published author and the timespan for the question.

During this period, (April 1974 and April 2024) he published all his books up till Holly. You Like It Darker was released after April 2024 (it was released in May 2024) and has nothing to do with this as I never said his first and last book of ALL his books.

So, for the question the first book is Carrie (April 1974) and the last is Holly (September 2023).

And what those two books have in common is that they both have a female name as their titles which is the answer to the question.

Someone who figured this out and who is also the winner of the signed copy of HEARTS IN SUSPENSION is Matt G. from Claremont, NH. Congratulations and thanks to Veryfinebooks who sponsored this contest!