Contest time at Lilja's Library
Posted: November 28, 2010, 23:58

For the next 5 days (Monday Nov. 28 – December 3rd) I will post a link here at the top of the site. The link will be named Contest Monday (the name of the day will change for each day) and when you see this link, all you need to do is click on it and send me that email that opens. You can add a comment if you like but that is not a must. Sounds too easy? Well, it is. There are two more things:
1) The link may appear any time between midnight and midnight the day after and will only be on the site for a short time, somewhere between 2 and 4 hours.
2) You will have to be the 10th person that sends me an email that day. I will count them in the order I receive them. The 10th mailer each day will be the winner.
Sounds like fun? Well, I hope so. And keep an eye here; the first link will appear within 24 hours and remember that you can keep an eye on the site with you phone as well…
Contest Monday (contest for Monday is over. Winner is Will Efson).
Contest Tuseday (contest for Tuseday is over. Winner is Fran Anderson).
Contest Wednesday (contest for Wednesday is over. Winner is Wendy Lang).
Contest Thursday (contest for Thursday is over. Winner is Vicky Sing).
Contest Friday (contest for Friday is over. Winner is Laurence Willson).
That ends this contest. Thanks to everyone that juined in.