The Road Virus Heads North
Posted: April 9, 2005
Category: Dollar Babies

First the main character Richard Kimmel is a bit older then I imagined. This isn’t worse or better, it’s just different. When reading the story I got the impression he was in his 30’s but here he is in his 50’s I would guess. But like I said, it’s not something that makes that big difference. The actor does a good job playing the role and that’s what important.
I also imagined that the painting was painted (!?!) but here it’s a photo. I can see why this was done (it must have been easier to use photos then paintings…and cheaper) but I think the effect would have been better if it was a painting. The person in the photos is pretty scary though. It looks like a fellow from the 50’s with fangs.
Another thing is that in the movie everything happens so much faster then in the story. I can understand that it’s because they have a shorter time to tell the story but a bit longer movie and a slower pace would have benefit the movie. As it is now the story is told a bit to fast…especially the ending. It’s 21 minutes now and another five minutes would have been very nice.
Lilja's final words about The Road Virus Heads North:
The Road Virus Heads North is a good Dollar Baby. It follows the feeling of King’s story even though some of the things have been changed. It’s no big changes so I can live with them and if you get a chance you should definitely see The Road Virus Heads North!