SK Tours of Maine: Locales made famous by Stephen King
Posted: August 22, 2019
Category: Books

The tour is very well visited and from what I have heard everyone is very happy with what they get on the tour. Stu goes out of his way to give his guests a day they will remember forever. Living in Sweden I can’t just head over to Bangor and take the trip…but now there is a substitute. Well, not really a substitute but something that makes it feel a bit better.
SK Tours of Maine: Locales made famous by Stephen King, is a small book that Stu has put together and in it he goes through the stops he does on the tour. It’s not the same as going on the tour but it’s a very interesting book and we get a taste of what we’d get if we ever find ourselves in Maine. It’s also good memorabilia for those who have taken the trip. Personally, I’m amazed to see what influence the town has had on King and I will make sure to have this book handy the next time I read IT.
So, if you can’t (for whatever reason) travel to Bangor this is a great substitute and I bet you will learn something you didn’t know before. Now I have to go online to find out what a ticket to Maine costs…
Lilja's final words about SK Tours of Maine: Locales made famous by Stephen King:
You can order SK Tours of Maine: Locales made famous by Stephen King directly from Stu’s site. Oh, and say “Hi” from me if you do.

SK Tours of Maine: Locales made famous by Stephen King ($11.95) is a pocket-sized book (4.5 x 6.5 inches). It is 128 pages and in full color. It covers the thirty-seven stops on Stuart Tinker's three-hour tour, and also includes his recommendations on other local stops that aren’t on the tour, plus his personal recommendations for food, lodging, and shopping from the perspective of someone who has lived in Bangor his entire life. Stuart also recommends his favorite King books and movies.

Photocredit: Stuart Tinker.

SK Tours of Maine: Locales made famous by Stephen King ($11.95) is a pocket-sized book (4.5 x 6.5 inches). It is 128 pages and in full color. It covers the thirty-seven stops on Stuart Tinker's three-hour tour, and also includes his recommendations on other local stops that aren’t on the tour, plus his personal recommendations for food, lodging, and shopping from the perspective of someone who has lived in Bangor his entire life. Stuart also recommends his favorite King books and movies.

Photocredit: Stuart Tinker.