Posted: October 30, 2018
Category: Books

This is the main plot of the book but we also get to see how Scott handles his neighbors, Deidre McComb and Missy Donaldson, and their dogs who have a habit of leaving their droppings on his lawn. When Scott confronts Deidre, she denies it but he proves her wrong and she has to admit to it. They are, to say the least, not good neighbors. But Deidre and Missy aren’t mad at Scott, at least not just at him. They are mad at the town of Castle Rock (yes this is a Castle Rock story) because they are hostile to them and their newly opened restaurant based the fact that they are lesbians AND married.

I like it, a lot. I, on one hand, wish it would have been longer but then on the other I don’t. It tells the story it’s supposed to tell and it does that very well. We get to meet Castle Rock again and there are references to Suicide stairs from Gwendy’s Button Box, Sheriff Bannerman, the number 19, The Nightflier and even Pennywise. Elevation is a great but, maybe one of King’s best.
Lilja's final words about Elevation:
I really like Elevation. It’s a sad book but to be honest, that is how I want my books, at least sometime. It makes them interesting when everything isn’t always fixed and put right. It’s the way life is. Sometime life hits you where it hurts and this time it happens in King’s story.

And the fact that King himself narrates the audio book is the icing on the cake.

And the fact that King himself narrates the audio book is the icing on the cake.