The Bazaar of Bad Dreams
Posted: November 4, 2015
Category: Books

We also get Mister Yummy and Obits that are published here for the first time. One is about an elderly man who is about to die and the other about a man who kills people by writing their obituary. Of the 20 stories two are actually poems; The Bone Church and Tommy and while I’m no big fan of poetry these are okay. They contain a story and even though it’s a bit hard to read because of the poetic structure it’s an interesting story. King has also changed some stuff in the story UR here compared to when it was first published…

Most surprising is the fact that Blockade Billy is included. I have always seen that one as a book on its own and didn’t really expect it to be included in a collection. Another positive surprise was to see that King had written a short introduction to each of the stories in which he talks about how they happened. This kind of introduction is always, always, interesting to read. It gives you the background of the stories and an idea of what the author’s mindset was when he wrote the story.
The Bazaar of Bad Dreams is a solid, well written and even collection where all stories are way above average. As I said there aren’t really any bad ones and even though you might not, like me, be that much into poems you will enjoy these.
Lilja's final words about The Bazaar of Bad Dreams:
It could be my mind that plays a trick on me (after all I’m starting to reach middle age) but I think this might be the most even collection King has published.