American Vampire #5

Posted: September 20, 2010
Category: Comics
This, the fifth issue, marks the end of King’s involvement in American Vampire and the part about Skinner (the part of the comic that King has written) is definitely coming to an end in this issue. Not that we won’t see Skinner in future issues but it’s a clear cut for King here. He makes it easy for someone else, probably Snyder, to continue the tale about Skinner. The part about Pearl doesn’t get the same kind of ending but my guess is that that is the story that will continue and that Skinner will be involved in it, which he already is.

As with the other issues this one is very well scripted, very well illustrated and it tells a very good story. I have enjoyed it a lot and personally I don’t think it will be a problem that King’s time is up. He did what he was supposed to do, introducing Skinner, and he did it in a very good way. I actually found myself thinking that I’d love to see a book about Skinner in the future…even if that probably won’t happen.

The only bad thing I can see with the issue is that there is some promo for another comic at the back of the issue and I had preferred some info or background info about the comic itself instead. But that is a minor thing that you can without too much problem skip if you’re not interested.

Lilja's final words about American Vampire #5:

American Vampire is a very good comic and it will now have to stay that way without King and I don’t have any suspicion that it won’t but with that said I also want to say that I think King has done a lot for it, both commercial and story vice.

If you want to comment or discuss this review, please mail me.