One for the Road
Posted: April 27, 2010
Category: Books

One For The Road is a small little book. It’s a beautiful small little book though and it contains King’s story with the same name. The story is about a man who leaves his wife and daughter in the car when they get stranded in a snow storm. He runs for a gas station where he meet Booth (the books narrator) and Herb Tooklander and even though they know the car is stranded near Jerusalem’s Lot and even though they know it’s probably suicide to go there they decide to help the man, Gerard Lumley.
Those of you who know your King history knows that Jerusalem’s Lot is connected to vampires and both Booth and Herb knows that vampires are rooming the grounds there. The question is whether they will be able to help Lumley’s family or lose their lives trying.
One For The Road has previously been published in Night Shift back in 1978 but here PS Publishing has given it its own book and they have done a great job with it. The book is illustrated beautifully by James Hannah and when the book was designed someone know what he or she was doing. On each uneven page in the book there is the text and on each even page is the illustrations and one line of text. This makes it possible for a quick version of the book if anyone wants that. By looking at James illustrations and reading that single line you get a pretty good idea of what the book is about. This feels very clever and gives you an alternative way to read the book, a chance to focus more on the illustrations if that is what you want.

I also like the fact that the book is printed so that the height of it is shorter then it’s with. This gives the pages a different dimension that I like. It’s also a bit smaller then a normal book and all this gives it a very nice look that I appreciate and like quite a lot. Everyone involved with this book should be very proud of themselves.
Lilja's final words about One for the Road:
This book isn’t as exclusive as many other limited edition books by King but I like it. It’s done with love for King’s story and as a reader you can feel that.