What book by King am I thinking of?
Posted: January 10, 2012, 00:00

This time you will have to work for it though and here is how.
You will have to figure out what book by King I’m thinking of right now. Easy, isn’t it? Well, I will help you on your way. Between January 10 and 13 I will give you clues on Lilja’s Library’s facebook group. You can then decide when you want to submit your answer (you submit it here) and you can do it whenever you want between January 10 and 13 but be careful. You only get one chance and then you’re out of the game. But don’t wait too long either because it’s five that gives me the correct book title first that wins the five copies of Mile 81.
You don’t need to “Like” the Lilja’s Library group but if you do you’ll know faster when I have posted a clue. Because I won’t tell you in advance when or how many clues there will be. OK, I will say that the first clue is on the facebook site now, there will be at least one each day and I will tell you when I post the last one.
OK, good luck to you all!
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