Mixed news and Mangler Reborn images

Posted: May 4, 2005, 00:00
Really Scary has the following report from Mick Garris:

"We just completed our first week of shooting on Masters of Horror with John Landis directing in Vancouver, so it is a hectic time," said Garris. "I'm doing looping and visual FX and color timing and sound mixing in LA on Desperation, shooting MOH in Vancouver, so I spend a lot of time in little rooms and on airplanes...Hope all is well in the Really Scary world."

Entertainment Weekly has put some of King's columns online. Check them out here.

Transgression is out. Order your copy here. It also seems like won't get any copies of the limited edition. Mail has been sent out to people that ordered saying that they won't get a copy...

Here are two now images from Mangler Reborn. Personally I think they look pretty cool.