More on New Beginnings and Transgressions

Posted: January 17, 2005, 00:00
It has now been confirmed that Bloomsbury will publish New Beginnings in the UK, US and Germany on the same day, 3rd March 2005.

Thanks to Bev Vincent.

Are you planning to buy a book signed by King? Do yourself a favour and visit this site, Stephen King Signatures - Fakes and the Real Thing, before you do. That way you may save yourself from buying a book with a fake signature.

As I reported earlier there will be a limited edition released of Transgressions (with King's story The Things They Left Behind in) by Ed McBain. I now have some additional info about it (directly from the publisher).

They will be doing a 100 copy-run of which only 74 will be available to the public. Each copy will be signed by the contributors who include Lawrence Block, Jeffrey Deaver, John Farris, Stephen King, Walter Mosley, Ed McBain, Sharyn McCrumb, Joyce Carol Oates, Anne Perry, and Donald Westlake.

The price is $200 but has it for $126 and you can pre-order it here.

This is form King's official site:

A Special Message from Stephen
In addition to being Inauguration Day, January 20th is Not One Damn Dime Day. This is a chance for those who oppose what is happening in our name in Iraq to speak up with a 24-hour national boycott in all forms of consumer spending. Even if you are one of those who approve of our actions in Iraq, where the American death toll continues to rise to the number of Americans lost in the World Trade Center disaster, Not One Damn Dime Day is your chance to protest the bloated cost of President Bush's Inauguration ceremonies, which are now estimated in the $40 million range. I think even fiscal conservatives and die-hard Republicans would agree, this is a shameful amount of money to spend on a party when children are dying in Indonesia. I don't intend to spend a damn cent on January 20th, let alone a damn dime. I urge you to do the same and I urge you to pass this message along to everyone on your email list.

Stephen King

Click here for the Not One Damn Dime website and petition.