Cool Korean Contest

Posted: July 7, 2016, 22:53
This is so cool I had to write about it. King’s Korea publisher has decided to run a contest (that reminds me a bit about the one in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory) with the release of the Korean edition of Finders Keepers. They have placed a ticket in several of the copies of the book and if you get one when you buy your copy of the book you can either win a copy of the book The Runner by John Rothstein (fictional character in Finders Keepers) or a cool T-shirt with the Jimmy Gold (fictional character in The Runner) quote “Shit don’t mean shit”.

The book The Runner by John Rothstein is in face a notebook since Rothstein only exists in King’s mind but it’s a really cool contest if you ask me and as far as I can tell the notebook and shirt only exists in a limited number and can’t be bought.