A Merry King's Christmas
Posted: December 16, 2014, 09:11

In about a week Christmas is here and hopefully you have gotten all your Christmas shopping done by now but if you haven’t, here are some suggestions…
For the casual King reader: Mr Mercedes or Revival…or maybe both. Keep in mind though that Mr Mercedes is out in paperback on January 6 so that one might be worth waiting for if you are short of money.
For the dresser: Get the new Revival clothes from Café Press. Personally I’d love a Crome Roses t-shirt (hint) :-)
For the die-hard fan: Something signed. You can’t go wrong with a signed book but be careful and make sure you get it for a reliable source.
For the listener: As for the reader you can’t go wrong with the two new books Mr Mercedes and Revival. But if the one getting it already have them why not going for some older book? There are a lot of audiobooks out there. Why not a copy of 11/22/63 or Big Driver and A Good Marriage?
For the non-reader: Pre-order Big Driver on DVD. It’s a good movie but unfortunately it’s not released until January 27.
For the one who gets it all him or herself: Pre-order Finders Keepers and / or The Bazaar of Bad Dreams before they get a chance to get them.
For Lilja: Keep coming back to the site, facebook and twitter page and talk King! I love to interact with you all and I hope we will keep doing it during 2015 as well! And maybe some audio comments for the podcast…
Do you have other suggestions on gifts for King fans? What would you like for Christmas? Post in the comment below or on facebook and twitter.