Podcast update
Posted: August 15, 2013, 10:29

Episode 21 of The Lilja & Lou Podcast is about to be released in a week or two. We apologize that it has taken a bit longer this time but with summer and all it couldn’t be helped. Also, we have gotten a new host for the podcast. The one we have been using earlier had restrictions that would have meant that older episodes would have had to go to give space for newer. Something we didn’t want to happen. So, we will have a new podcast host for new and old episodes when episode 21 goes live. That’s the good news.
The bad news is that it costs money. So, if anyone of you out there who enjoys the podcast wants to help us out with the hosting of the podcast you are most welcome. We will still continue doing the podcast even if we get no donations but it would certainly make both our lives a bit easier if we did.
We have set up a PayPal account for this purpose so anyone who has a $ (or a few) that you feel you can spare, we’d really appreciate it. Send your donations to LiljaLouPodcast@gmail.com.
Lilja & Lou