Update from Mike Flanagan About The Dark Tower

Posted: July 26, 2024, 05:43
The podcast Talking Scared talked to Mike Flanagan and here’s what he had to say about the potential of The Exorcist getting in the way of The Dark Tower:

“Oh, it’s not in the way. They coexist very well. I think the trick with The Dark Tower is just it still just takes an enormous amount of time to get going. But we’re further along than the last time we spoke. It seems to be moving on its own momentum. There’s so much logistical, boring, legal stuff that we have to kind of machete our way through to get that thing moving. But yeah, it has not at all stalled and none of the other work that’s that’s kind of emerged has in any way taken away from it.”

“It became so clear to me that that kind of oil tanker of a project was just gonna be moving along. It’s perfectly feasible for me to be working on other things at the same time. And I wish that wasn’t the case. And there’s gonna be a point hopefully soon where that project needs to knock everything else outta the way, where Tower has to kind of assert itself … I couldn’t make that the case now if I wanted to. There’s just too much we’re still having to kind of get through to get it up.”

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