Mr Mercedes (S2) - Episode 1
Posted: August 23, 2018
Category: Movies

We get almost all the old characters back, not all but most. We don’t get to see Jerome who presumably is still in college. But we meet Holly, Ida and Pete and we also meet some new characters. We meet Dr. Felix Babineau and his wife Cora. We meet Antonio Montez, a cop who wants to interrogate Brady and we meet Donna Hodges, Bill’s ex-wife. The ones most active here are Mr. and Mrs. Babineau. Felix is Brady’s doctor and Cora is involved with a new drug that is supposed to help patients that are in the state that Brady is. She pushes Felix to give Brady the drug and he (reluctantly) agrees. Something that will have serious consequences later on if I’m right.
The big question for season 2 though is this: Will they adapt Finders Keepers or go straight for End of Watch? From what I can tell there are segments from Finders Keepers but the main plot is from End of Watch. We do get scenes from Finders Keepers though like the one where Bill is repossessing a plane. But my guess is that small segments is all we’re getting from the second book in the trilogy…
Oh, and someone dies in this episode…
Lilja's final words about Mr Mercedes (S2) - Episode 1:
I think it’s a mistake not to include the main plot from Finders Keepers (if I’m correct in my guess) because it’s a good story and I think the show would survive a season where Bill and Brady don’t really show up until later on but on the other hand I can understand why they chose to do what they to. And who knows…maybe they’ll get back to the Finders Keepers story later in the season or the next.